Thursday, August 16, 2007

Who's calling please?
OK, I'm back.

News is:
  • New manager at convenience store where I get my coffee every morning--I miss David but he's run off to be a corrections officer.
  • House is now run by mice. They have established a village on my kitchen counter, complete with houses, garages, tiny automobiles and restaurants. So far score is: Betsy=2, Mice=too numerous to count
  • Little Dog's ragweed allergy is going full bore. Cannot start prednisone treatment until tomorrow because she will become retarded or start to sing opera or something similar due to drug interaction with anti-Lyme booster she got on Monday
  • Sister and Niece leave country today. Much sadness.
  • Oh yeah--wonderful vacation. Film at 11.

1 comment:


    I'm chuckling over the mice (sorry, but it sounds funny when you describe it), and the thought of your dog suddenly bursting into full operatic tenor (soprano?).

    Glad you're doing so well.
