Tuesday, December 07, 2004

You are a spelunker. You are
practical, but seek adventure and have a desire
to see things first. You do tend to lack
imagination, though.

What Seeker of the Unknown Are You?
brought to you by

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't scrolled down and I was wondering where the "no imagination" idea came from. Anybody who has heard one-third of any of your dreams couldn't describe you as having no imagination. At first I thought it was one of the accusations from your boss.
    Glad you don't have to meet with them. I want your union rep for us. My only insight after ten years of court cases is think about it as little as possible, and when you are forced to think about it, think, yes, I am thinking about this, but there is a big old filter between me and this. This letter does not identify me or say anything about who I am. These are the identity problems of my boss, who doesn't like me. That is her problem. She has trouble getting along with people in general, not just with me. This is a pathetic letter, and unfair, and I will think about it as little as possible.
    Wow, if I could do that about unfriendly people, I'd be whistling all the time.
    You take care. I love you.
