Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I've spent the morning talking to more than a dozen member library directors, asking them each the same questions about the money they get from their local school districts and the public vote that brings it to them. I need to collate the information by this afternoon and have gathered and collated all the information except stuff from one library. It's so entertaining to listen to each one of them. "How are you?" "Not good, having a bad day. My printer at home broke." "Great, now that the pain in my new knee is starting to feel better. If I'd known how bad it was going to be I never would have done it but my kneecap fell apart when they took it out so I guess it was time." (well, I asked how she was...) "OK, talk to me longer so I don't have to finish the training that's going on right now." They're a funny group but I've known them for as long as they've all been working in their jobs (except for the one with the fake knee--she's been a director for 40 years).

As Jenica did such a great job of describing, we had a really nice weekend. Dogs loved it, I loved it. Restful (too restful, I slept too late and hate doing that, makes me feel sickly), entertaining, lots of visiting and laughter, got to see the sparkling ring, got to talk to Molly. It was cold, -11 on Sat. and -8 on Sunday, but the sun came out on Sunday and it was a pretty day. I love walking on the lake and it was nice to have someone to share that with.

Tonight I go to the doctor with Ken for the follow-up visit. Annie Holt is a doctor and examined Ken's foot Sat. night, said the soaking had made a big difference and that it looked good, so I think the doctor will be pleased when he sees Ken tonight. Don't know if we'll have to continue our regimen or not but it will be ok if we do. Whatever I can do for Ken I will, he's a wonderful friend and an extraordinary person. After the doctor's appointment we're having dinner at Friendly's--not my kind of restaurant, but it's the place Ken picked and he's really looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to having a hot fudge sundae after dinner.


1 comment:

  1. Glad Annie thought Ken's foot looked good. And I'm particularly glad she will be moving to your neighbourhood.
    The hounds of spring are in winter's traces. There's a Thurber cartoon in which one character says "I said, the hounds of spring are in winter's traces, but never mind." It's one of my favourites.
