Friday, December 09, 2005

Zero and Snow

You wouldn't think you'd have both of those so early in December, but oops! there we go. It was 0 on Monday morning, 3 on Tuesday morning, and snowing heavily this morning when I drove to work. I got behind a snow plow driving so slowly it didn't measure on my speedometer, on the part of my drive that's so twisty and windy that it's impossible to pass. Then I got to the good road, and after a while came upon someone driving a Dodge Durango (SUV, AWD, invincible tank meant to be driven in conditions like this morning's) and going 22 mph where the speed limit is 55 and the road was clear. I wanted to pull up next to her, roll down the window and scream an offer to swap vehicles, since she might as well have been driving my Civic. But of course I couldn't pull up next to her because there was too much oncoming traffic, or else I could have passed her. So my 40 minute trip to work took more than an hour, but since I was planning to be an hour early I wasn't late.

I ran errands at lunch: Walmart errands. Got presents for my friend's son, who was born exactly 50 years after I was. I had already bought 2 Wiggles DVD's for him but he needs a vroom vroom toy as well. I bought new lights for my Christmas tree--half of the old lights I put on it were burned out when I plugged them in last night. What? A broken Christmas tree? How many things are going on about this damn tree? This weekend I'm planning to stretch 200' of extension cord from my floodlight socket out into the woods by the end of my driveway and decorate a tree with 300 small white lights so I'll be able to see it when I come home (my new floodlight fixture comes on at dusk and goes off at dawn, when it's turned on: pretty fancy!). After my seasonal shopping I went to the grocery portion of our store and got some groceries. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Walmart has my favorite:

Pink Lady apple
This is a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Lady William. It's sweet and crisp, and good in salads and pies.

So I got some of those, lots of Romaine, cheese and some good Lean Cuisines, the Mexican kind that only Walmart has. Then I came back to work for the second marathon meeting of the day and now I have to spend 1 1/2 hours looking up bookmobile stops for individual patrons so we can do a mass mailing on Monday to let them all know that the bookmobile is now too dangerous to drive so has been taken off the road and there will be no service until we get our new one in January.

So I must go.

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