Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday post

and it's Friday at last.  Long, hot week.  I'm no good in humid summer heat.  Feel all wilted and sweaty.  The best place to be is: at work, where it's air-conditioned ; or: on the boat house porch where there's always a breeze.  I stayed at home last night, even though it was 84 in the living room at 10 p.m.  The dogs panted all night--or at least they were panting every time I woke up.  I'm sure they slept some.  I did.  I slept well, actually.  Went to bed early, very tired from my Weds. travels.

I went to Utica--everyone has heard plenty about this.  I left home at 5 a.m., got to the Utica Pub. Lib. around 8:30, plenty of time for the 9:00 session.  The program lasted until 3, when I was totally ready to leave and was wearing my rude bored face while the last speaker spoke (endlessly).  It took about 4 hours to get home, just enough traffic to screw me up.  I was exhausted when I got home--I think I may be too old for these marathon drive-meet-drive days.  Also, I was up too late the night before.  Oh well, age is what age is.  I pretty much enjoyed the trip, many lake communities, but the drive home was endless.  I much prefer the 5-8 a.m. travel time.

I haven't done much this week, just work and home stuff.  Saw Jim one night (Pat wasn't there) in his air-conditioned comfort.  He has COPD so he can't do hot humid weather.  After that I went to Linda's, where I ended up staying for delicious dinner and visit with newly arrived friends.  Yesterday I stopped there again, having left work at noon.  Nice visit with Linda on her porch, though there's not much breeze on her porch so it was a little stifflling.

Fred & I had drinks on his porch last evening--he has a breeze and it was quite pleasant.  I want a screened in porch at my house--I'd love to sleep there.  I tried a bunch of times to put up a screened gazebo but there was never a floor so it was not nice for sleeping on.  Someday, someday.  Or else I'll hold out for a screened-in tree house.  That would be way cooler.  After drinks F. & I went to Big Daddy's diner, where we go just because it's bad.  He always has a turkey club and I always have a cheeseburger.  I love cheeseburgers.  yum.  Anyway last night we had good food (for B.Daddy's) and a really nice time.

This weekend?  There are cousins in camp whom I'll visit with.  I still have much firewood to stack, and temps are supposed to drop a lot by Sunday so hopefully I'll be productive that way.  I did some cleaning yesterday, proudly in the heat.  I still have too much clutter but at least I got the laundry done.  Now I have to change beds in the boat house & wash those sheets.  Oh it doesn't end.  But how lucky am I to have that problem?

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