Friday, January 28, 2005

It's Friday at last. This week hasn't been too bad but it's just been consistently cold. Yesterday morning it was -28, today it was -17 (a heat wave). It's above zero now, but the car tires are making that squeaking sound as they pass by my window on the snow-covered driveway. Supposed to be 20 and sunny this weekend, which is really nice. If I'm feeling really, really good--now this has to be REALLY good, I'll walk down to the lake and take the dogs out on the ice. Otherwise I'll just go down to check out the Holt's garage. Otherwise I'll just stay inside, stoke the fire and watch videos. Good to have options. There's not much snow, only maybe 6" on the ground, so I have a fair amount of mobility in the neighborhood.

Work is strange, 2 people retiring, pressure from management to settle the contract within the month (this is good--they'll give in to things they otherwise would hold out on), settling my "situation," all in a big hurry because the directory apparently has moved up her departure date for her winter camping trip to Labrador. She's now leaving at the end of February, 2 weeks earlier than she originally told me she was leaving. Goodie! She won't be back until March 28 and leaves for good April 29. What happens during the month of April is anyone's guess. They're planning to hire someone right away, having the interviews while she's gone, I think. My good friend Donna is chair of the search committee and my friend Julie is the staff rep. on the committee so I feel fairly comfortable that a sane choice will be made.

Now it's time to go home. I want to stop at Staples and buy a small tape recorder to start taping Ken's stories. I keep putting it off, only remembering it when he starts in on one. Tonight I want to stop on my way home, after hitting the post office and liquor store and bank. It's too cold to run all those errands, but they must be done and I hope not to return to town until Monday.


  1. Oh, what a wonderful idea! Go get that tape recorder... you'll be SO glad you did.

  2. Ilove my little Sony reporter's tape recorder. I hope you got one you like. I think it's a great idea to tape the stories. Good for you! And thank you, because I think it will be really interesting to hear/read them.
