Friday, March 31, 2006

Daily photo
This is what I see as I near the end of my journey home. The trees are turning the reddish purple that comes with early, early spring. That's Whiteface, the ghostly specter in the distance. It's still got plenty of snow on it, but there are some bare spots as well. That's Douglas in the foreground, with Catamount off to the left. Jenica has climbed Catamount, much to the horror of the Rogers family. Dan Webster's sister died falling off that mountain when she was a child, so family lore dictates that no one in our family should ever climb that mountain. My brother, of course saw that as a dare and took his daughter up the mountain. She did not fall to her death and neither did he. I learned later that Dan Webster and his sister were bushwhacking, not on the trail and needless to say had gotten very careless.

In answer to Molly's post, they don't mind if we put pictures on our computers here at work, they're very tolerant. I don't have much to post: dogs, mountains, mud, ice. I do need to buy a computer for home, though, but my Internet connection at home will be dial access and thus too slow to do me much good. I'll delete pictures when I'm through with them, they won't live on the computer: that would be abuse of privileges. I'll have prints made of the ones I want (if there are any--that is doubtful so far).

Peaceful day facing me. Director off visiting libraries, staff due to head to Chazy at noon to barcode the collection. The library there is too small for all of us to fit in all at once so I'm staying behind (ostensibly to catch up on work that piled up while I was in Boston). Let's hear it for peace and quiet! Temp to reach 70 today. Can this really happen? Perhaps I'll actually go outside, walk to the bank instead of drive there on my way home. I'm looking forward to the weekend (now there's an understatement that's painfully obvious). My time then is my own, except for the 3 hours on Sunday that I donate to the Laundry family.

I wanted to buy an answering machine because the cost of voice mail was raised to $5 a month. Can you just buy an answering machine without a telephone attached to it? Not in this town. I looked in the two most likely places and ended up buying a new phone last night for $30, with an answering system. I liked my old phone, but changing the message on this is painfully easy. As I was making up the message Chances started to bark so it sounds as if I burped just before I started to speak. Cute or gross? You be the judge. I can at least give my old phone to my mother so perhaps my sister and I can have a conversation with her that won't be full of static and beeps.

And on to abridged audio books for Peru. They seem to have an endless supply. Mack Bolan abridged? The Exterminator series is bad enough in print, but abridged audio? My god will the horror of library collections never cease.

Oh yeah, snail is dead, algae eater is dead. Bad mojo from my "community tank," I fear. No tolerance for those who are different.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, lovely mountains--I've envious. As for falling off mountains: 1) I'm very glad Jenica didn't, and 2) having grown up in mountains...well, it's harder than it looks to fall off of one, is all I can say...

    Hear hear for quiet days for cataloging. I've volunteered to do a midnight-4 shift of online reference (as if we'll ever do that!!) just so I can get some bloody quiet in my work area.

    Your fishtank needs an exorcist. Maybe a N'awlins refugee can come voodoo it for you? :-)
