I've had this big booger goldfish at my desk since last Easter and, as you know, he and I have spent many hours staring at and entertaining each other.
Over the weekend he apparently jumped his fence (tank) and landed on the floor. He was known for jumping high enough to make loud splashes so, although this was an extreme jump, no one was toooooo surprised. I was at a meeting all morning yesterday so the other dept. members discovered him when they came to feed him. His eyes was all blunk in so it was obvious he'd been dead for a long time. One staffer furnished a box and they saved the corpse for me. They were nervous about how upset I'd be when I found out--no, seriously, they thought I'd be upset. Turns out they are concerned about my emotional state after all.
Anyway, Kim went to PetSmart and got me another goldfish, who is now swimming around in a confused state, in need of basic workplace training. When they told me about fishie's death I laughed. They were sooo relieved. When they showed me the smelly body I laughed harder. When I saw my new fish I was deeply, deeply touched. Of course it would be Kim, the sweet one, who would think of getting a new one. Anyway, both were very concerned and nice about it. Just goes to show you, huh. New fish is Flipper. AKA Flip.
That is both hilarious and very kind. Coworkers can be lovely sometimes, hmm?