Tuesday, April 27, 2010

casey road 014

casey road 014
Originally uploaded by woodsrun
The road I always take to work is closed because they're rebuilding a bridge, so I have to take a different route. There are a few ways to go, but after much discussion and measuring (time and miles) we've decided the Casey Road is the most efficient route. Here's the view next to the end of the Casey Road--Whiteface in the background. The water is Union Falls (Pond, or Lake, depending on what you want to call it).

Union Falls is a body of water formed by damming the Saranac River. When we were kids we'd go on boat trips to nearby bodies of water, and this was one we hit pretty much every year. There used to be huge bunches of driftwood along the shore & it was really pretty. My brother had a money-making scheme of collecting driftwood & selling it in Rockford, where there is no driftwood. Not a successful endeavor.

There was quite a ceremony about the boat trips. My grandfather would decide where and when we'd go. His handyman (Eugene, a magic man) would pack up boats--a rowboat for my grandfather, with an outboard, and canoes--the number depended on the size of the group. Sometimes we'd put canoes on the roof of the car. They were canvas & wood and weighed a ton. I spent most of my childhood being told to keep the canoes off the rocks. Now, as an adult, I sure understand how important that was. Anyway, we'd pile into the canoes and start paddling. My grandfather looked great, the patriarch in charge. He'd sit in the boat with a motor, Eugene there to help him. What a great time it was.

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