It's cool outside right now, much colder than it was yesterday and the day before. Yesterday was perfectiion--65 and sunny. What a fantastic day it was. I spent a lot of time outside with the dogs. And helped a stranded motorist at the bog (flat tire). Found out about a closer AAA garage, which might come in handy. If I ever join again.
I did laundry, lots of laundry. CANNOT get dog hairs out of comforter. Note to self: only buy dark-colored bedding.
I knitted. Am knitting a scarf that, though very pretty, is too stiff to be comfortable or useful. But I'm having a good time knitting.
I watched a LOT of music videos. I love VH1 Classic. When I was recuperating from a nasty and depressing surgery many years ago a good friend taped hours and hours of music videos for me to watch. At that time I didn't have access to MTV or VH1 so was bedazzled by music videos. Now I've rediscovered them, plus some nice other features. Oh my, I can waste a lot of time with this...
Back to work after 3 days off. Very nice days off. I didn't get a whole lot accomplished, but I enjoyed myself and my dogs. We went for a couple of road trips, which were very nice. I went out for dinner in Saranac Lake with a friend. I walked my dogs. I tidied my house. And I did NOT have to light any fires. Until this morning. And that was to hedge my bets more than anything else. It's supposed to be pretty cool this week so I'll be back into the fire-making routine. I kept the fire going for about 5 days last week, using coals to start new fires. Didn't light a match for days, felt great.
Tomorrow I have my snow tires put on--this is incredibly early for me to be doing this, but I have the money right now and will just spend it on something else if I don't do it now. It's expensive because I only have one set of rims. How many times have I paid for a second set in charges for putting tires on rims? Many times I figure. But that's why I'll never be wealthy--I don't do what's fiscally smart, I do what works for me at the time. Anyway, good for me to be getting this done in November, before we have snow.
Life is moving at the right pace. And in the right direction.
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