Thursday, April 18, 2013

Closing in on the weekend

It was supposed to be WARM today, but it sure feels chilly outside.  Not as chilly as before, that's true, but it's no 60 degrees.  Let's see what tomorrow brings.  I'm still wearing corduroy pants because my other pants DON'T FIT ME.  This is very discouraging and demoralizing.  I'll have to figure something out eventually--I don't picture me wearing cords in July.  Though I've done far stranger things.

I took the dogs to the vet last night ($330).  They're up to date on everything and ready to be heartworm-prevented for the next 7 months.  Boy they'd better be all set.  Although Tess needs some dental work.  That will wait but I should certainly attend to it.  She needs her teeth scraped, for which she is knocked out, for which I pay a lot of money.

I had the snow tires taken off my car--when I called to make the appointment, Jason said "Are you sure you want to do that?"  Last year I had them removed in May.  Well, hell, it's April.  I was soooo happy to have good tires last week for the storm, and apparently I'm feeling confident that we won't have more weather like that soon. 

It's been a pretty uneventful week, not a lot going on.  No travels, no meetings.  Just a lot of ordering e-books and cataloging them.  I had a lovely luncheon with Bill & Fred, which was great fun.  And good food.

The dogs have been busy stripping the bones from that deer carcass they've been working on all winter.  Treasure brought home 2 knee joints this week.  She does good recovery work.  She was a star at the vet's last night, stood still and didn't fuss on the examination table.  Tess, on the other hand, fell off the table once and tried to jump off about 3 times.  She fussed so much she had to be put in a stranglehold so they could take a few drops of her precious blood to test for heartworm.  Honestly--how embarrassing.  I should have taken Tess in first so she wouldn't look so bad--following mellow Treasure's vet behavior is tough.

I saw a friend at the vet's, someone I haven't visited with for years.  She and her husband were very nice to me when Jamie left but after that we sort of drifted apart.  Her kids are now college-aged (!) and I remember when Forest was born.  Boy that makes me feel old.  I ran into another friend at the grocery store, and her children are the 20 and 25.  And I remember her before she was even married.  Yikes.  I sure have been here a long time (28 years) and have encountered many very nice people during those years.  I wondered when I first moved here how I would make friends, having come from a place where I had a lot of really good friends.  It sure worked out, and I have a lot of wonderful friends now.  I feel very lucky.

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