Wednesday, September 18, 2013


What a beautiful day today--bright, strong sunshine, clear and cool.  Perfect autumn weather.  Or at least it looks that way from my desk...

We had our first real frost yesterday morning--temp was 30 at 6:30 a.m. and there was scrapable frost on my windshield.  My flowers didn't seem to mind, however, I don't think I lost anything.  Darn, that just means I have to deal with the pots on my deck with live plants still in them.  Dump them out, girlie, they're not going to get any prettier.  They all look pretty skanky right now anyway.

Had a quiet weekend, which was nice but not productive.  I did have a nice time Saturday morning with Duncan and Sue, traveling to Paul's bakery in Upper Jay for food & visit with Linda & Erd., then we stopped at the Wilmington festival and poked around there a while, then home.  It was a bit cold but a very nice fall day.  I went to the dump in the afternoon with Stephanie, who was eager for social contact.  Uneventful dump run except that I got to dump my old microwave into the metal bin.  Very dramatic effect, tossing it in and hearing a big crash.  I like my new (cheap) microwave--it heats food as quickly as a microwave is supposed to.  And makes popcorn with all the kernels popped.

Sunday was quiet, just a quick visit with P&J at noon then home to do...what?  Not much.  I got laundry done, did dishes, tidied a bit but still have much left to do.  Joe came to get my great-grandmother's desk to fix.  That's a huge deal to me--I hate it when I can't figure out how to fix things or get things done, so it was wonderful that he agreed to take care of it.  It will be nice to have a desk with a drawer in it again. And now I promise to use it as a desk instead of a storage unit.

Ravi came to mow on Sunday, and we had a long visit.  He's just out of college and has an interesting attitude about life, work, etc.  He just visited relatives in Calif. and was really wooed by their lifestyle and income levels.  Very impressed by their expensive cars, wants that life for himself.  Well I guess we're all impressed by SOMETHING when we're 22, but my friend and I had a long conversation this morning about what young people's expectations are these days.  Does life own them something?  We just went to college and got jobs as a matter of course (although my only reason for going to college was to kill 2 years until I got married--that all changed when I decided NOT to get married at 19).  We've had jobs since we were 16, and knew that, when we graduated from college with our shiny history degrees that we'd have to find something to do for a career.  So we turned to libraries.  That was sort of where those of us with liberal arts majors ended up.  There were 250 people in my lib. science program, at a relatively small school.  Lots of sociologists, historians, English majors, etc.  All wondering what we would do and not knowing much about libraries.  At least we didn't get our degrees because "we like books."  That reason drives me crazy, especially now when libraries are so much less about books than ever.

So life goes on.  Big unanswered questions.  What is the meaning of life, anyway?  Why is the sky blue?  Actually Rush answered that one for me. 

Dogs are fine.  They're very playful these days, lots of roughhousing in the living room.  They're full of joy and I like it when they chase each other around and play big mean fighting dog.  I started walking the bog the other day but got bored and turned around.  Even Tess seemed bored so it was a bust.  I have been walking to camp on the weekends but that's not really much of a walk.  I went to the doctor this week--my numbers are all good (except for the one on the scale) so he and I had little to say to each other.  Which is fine.  See you in 3 months.

Work is good.  Busy.  I've been doing a lot of the interlibrary loan work, which is always interesting.  What are people reading these days?  Well, inmates like to know how to make $1 million in real estate by investing $25, how to fight off zombies, how to cast spells and place curses, how to make fancy tattoos, and one of them has come up with a game app that the CEO of Yahoo! absolutely MUST know about.  He needs to get in touch with her directly.  Her contact information is on the Internet so I don't mind sending it along.

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