Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Sweet dogs, very sweet dogs

I wandered home late the other night, stopping to visit with P&J, then having dinner with Linda & Erdvilas to celebrate their arrival in Hawkeye.  The dogs don't usually seem to care what time I get home (as long as I DO get home, and feed them when I do).  I don't know if what they did was because I was so late or if they did it during the day out of general boredom and interest in something new and different.

They went into the pantry, grabbed a new, full 5 pound bag of sugar, ripped it open and ate it.  All of it.  Then they drank a lot of water.  Then they threw up.  Then they drank some more water.  Then they threw up again.  Repeat as many times as they can in a single day.  what a mess.  I was too tired to do much about it when I got home, so cleaned it up the next day.  Sheets were all stuck together (oh yes, they threw up on the bed and floor and chair).  Floor just a tad sticky.  It's the kind of scene you come upon and want to turn around and close the door behind you.  But I had to laugh.  Why would dogs want to eat sugar?  We ate butter & sugar sandwiches when we were kids, but how do dogs know about sugar?  Anyway, they suffered no permanent damage and were just fine and happy to see me when I got home.  Sheepish?  Not a bit.

Last night Tess re-connected with some people who turned out to be old bogging friends.  They own a camp at the end of my road and have some special-needs kids, one of whom LOVED Tess ("and Tess loves me and wants to be with ME, and one time she jumped right in our car").  Honestly I have to be better about tracking these animals.  I didn't cable Tess because she was just lying on the deck and I wasn't thinking there would be any bog walkers this early in the season.  I guess I forgot that it's Memorial Day and the summer season is revving up.  Thanks for the reminder, Tess.

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