Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I had the most amazing swimlast night.
I was at Linda's, visiting, drinking (a little, only a little), relaxing and saying goodbye to our friend MaryKay. We decided it was a perfect night for naked swimming. It's not nearly as nice to swim at Linda's as it is at our camp because you never feel you're out very far: other camps are too close. But we swam pretty far out and I floated in totally dark water, dove into darkness so dark you could see nothing. It was cold and I never really got used to the water, unlike the swimming Jenica and I did the day before in the sunlight. The moon was a sliver but gave off good light. It was lovely and made me think of my sister, who swims several times a day when she's at Silver Lake.

I took Pus Head and her sister with the pus-y neck to the vet last night. They have hot spots, all right, and got shaved a whole lot. Diane, the vet laughed at them. They behaved very, very well while they got shaved, and Tess wagged her tail the whole time. I can't believe she did that and was sure she would struggle and be awful, based on the way she hides from me when I get out any kind of medicine. Anyway, they got shots, pills, salve and should be ok now. Their spots already look better. They also got their distemper/parvo shots and exams, as did Jackson. I discovered that Jackson has partial paralysis in his throat, which explains why his bark is so funny. It's not a problem, but I have to be careful with him in hot weather so that he doesn't over-exert himself and pant himself to death. Jackson? Over exert? It is to laugh. "Should I have him put down?," she asked optimistically. No, it's not that bad, but keep an eye on him. Total for all that was done last night: $335. Yikes. That's why I went to Linda's for drinks afterward.

Today the staff meets with the first of 2 candidates for the director position. We have a bunch of questions we've submitted to ask her but only have 45 minutes to ask them. Some of them are long and involved questions, but some dork wants to know what the last 3 books she read are. I don't think I could answer that one. Let's just ask her what her favorite color is.

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