Friday, July 01, 2005

Today is Friday, the day before 4th of July weekend. The lake will be covered with boats, the shoreline full of people. Our camp will be empty except for tomorrow during the day when there will be a work party of the family of my ex-husband, prettying up camp for his rehearsal dinner party, to be held next weekend. I did my part, mowed the big grass strip down the center of the road last night. I offered to do it for his parents, who seem to be freaking out about what kind of shape camp will be in. They always freak out when company comes to camp, and I knew it would help if I mowed for them so I offered and they seemed pleased so I did it. It was HOT and I SWEATED. I hate to sweat.

After I mowed I dug in my garden for an hour. That made me sweat some more and I was a little greasy from the bug dope I sprayed on myself. I hate to be GREASY. I planted 30 snapdragon plants and 20 lily bulbs. No, wait, the dogs ate one of those, I only planted 19. The garden now has 2 spots where it looks like a garden. I uncovered some of my perennials, which are getting ready to bloom. SURPRISE! I found some I'd forgotten I had. A nice treat.

While I was working so was Stevie. He now has most of one side of the deck completed. He made a little bridge so the dogs could walk onto to it but only Jackson was brave enough to use it. There's a space of about 2' between the two deck sections and you look down the 4' to the ground below. The Girls absolutely refuse to cross the bridge, not even for Milk Bones. Jackson: no problem. The Girls ran inside, danced around, put their front paws down and their butts in the air, wagged their tails, did everything but cross the little bridge. Sissies.

Tonight I have a quick meeting with the shoreowners' association to plan the summer's events. They've got me and our camp committed to an August event. Swell. I'm the secretary, have been for years. Tomorrow at 10 we gather to do the road cleanup and spend the rest of the day together. I must remember to buy myself some beer to drink at the cookout.

This afternoon, in an hour, I leave to go to the eye doctor for my annual visit. I will order new glasses, bifocals this time. Right now I have a pair of bifocals and a pair of trifocals. I need glasses to see in three zones: up close to read, mid-point for the computer, and far away to read. Sucks, yes? So now I want a pair that will see up close to read and far away to drive, so that I can read the speedometer and the road signs as I drive. I have to wear the tri-focals for that and they turned out to have just too many zones on them. Too confusing. My doctor competes in the Ironman in Lake Placid every year. 13 hours of activity: a 2-mile swim, then a 112-mile bike race, then a 26-mile marathon. My friend Howard does the same thing in Madison. I cannot comprehend that much physical activity in 13 hours. The race course comes very close to Silver Lake. My doctor rides his bike to Silver Lake often so we always talk about how nice it is where I live. That's about all we talk about, plus how nice chocolate Labs are, since he has one of those too.

Tuesday morning I go to Burlington for my mammogram. Wish I could think of something fun to do there besides that. I used to shop at Banana Republic, back when their clothes fit me and they had a good sale section. Then I moved on to the Eddie Bauer store, but they don't have a good sale section anymore either. Now I order everything online anyway.

Last night I finished a beautiful basket, a Shaker cat's head. It turned out pretty well and I'm very proud that I can still make nice baskets. I have to make 2--I for Jamie's wedding present and one to give to Erdvilas for his birthday, both by next Friday night. I ordered more supplies so I can make baskets for those I owe baskets too, as well. I had a really nice time making this one, I hadn't made one weaving in this style in many years and it was a lot of fun to do. I just hope the dogs don't chew it up while I'm at work! I put it in what I think is a safe place but you never know.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, am glad you made a basket, and will make more. I love the ones I have, and I think we must, must, must do manual pleasurable activities. It's good for the brain.

    I'm sure you didn't sweat, you glistened.

    Those people are pretty lucky you do stuff for them, and your ex (X) is lucky he's getting a present... I wonder if he would be so generous if you were getting married.
