Friday, September 30, 2011

Weekly wrapup

It was a pretty busy week.  Some traveling, some socializing.

Monday I drove to Malone to go to the CEF board meeting.  It was a pretty drive, through Ellenburg & Brainardsville, but dark for my trip home through Standish, etc.  I like that part of the country, though it's desolate & some think depressing.  I've always said that, when it gets too crowded on Old Hawkeye Rd., I'll move to High Banks.  Where the growing season is about 2 weeks long.  But no one lives there.  Hopefully that day won't come.

Tuesday I had a union dinner in Rouses Pt.  Good food, pretty spot on the lake, lots of solidarity.  Unions forever!  Down with management!

Weds. I had a demonstration all morning (not union, done by a vendor)--an automated system we're considering if we can get the money together.  Very nice system.  After that I went to Wilmington, where I took the pictures below.  It was very, very pretty.  I visited the library there, met up with some friends from Silver Lake who were using the Internet there, then stopped to see Marylou at Candy Man.  And bought some candy for Linda & Erd. because Tuesday night they let my dogs out early in the evening so they (the dogs) wouldn't be left unattended for the zillion hours it ended up being.  Anyway, I had a nice visit with M., sitting outside and chatting.  Then I stopped at Linda's, then I stopped at Joe & Martha's, then I collapsed at home.

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment--my regular doctor.  Oh dear, I've gained 7 pounds, and my triglycerides are up 40 points.  Know why?  I stopped walking, that's why.  And I eat more.  So it's back to last winter's regimen of yogurt, cottage cheese, treadmill and pickles.  Not in that order.  I eat a lot of pickles.  I need to stop eating yummy cereal and crackers.  I bought Life Savers today because I can eat lots of those for not too many points.  Pickles have NO points, but a girl can only eat so many of them.

I stopped at a local orchard one night, or maybe twice.  Twice, I think--I bought good apples (Autumn Crisp), then gave most of them away so I went back to get more.  They're good eating apples.  And I'll make applesauce when they get not-so-fresh.

My poor work goldfish are bored.  I haven't put any plants or decorations in the tank, they just float around and stare into space.  Don't tell the SPCA, please.

What's up for the weekend?  Well, I'm getting some firewood delivered tomorrow--from Ken's wood shed, so it's nice and dry.  Very exciting.  It doesn't take much to excite me these days.  I'm also hoping to rearrange some furniture, moving the dinner table to the back of the house.  Let's see how far I get with that.  I also need to go to the boat house to start closing.  By cleaning.  The water's out at camp so I'll have to bring any dishes to my house to wash.  I don't think there are any dirty ones there, I'm pretty sure I at least took care of that.  Mostly I need to get rid of empty bottles.  I don't think I'll close it up tight just yet--sometimes I have a nice cocktail party there Columbus Day weekend.  Which is NEXT WEEKEND.  How can Sept. be gone already?

Dogs are doing fine.  Chances coughs a lot and will go to the vet next week, I hope.  Tess continues to eat whatever dead thing kitty brings into the house (nothing like "crunch crunch crunch" in the middle of the night in the dark bedroom).  The other day kitty brought in a mouse and apparently wanted me to watch her killing technique, because mousie was very much alive.  When I yelled at her she took it to the back of the house, killed it & brought it back.  Always a jumping mouse, never just a regular old mouse.  I raced Tess to the body and prevailed.  I have to toss the bodies into the woods when Tess isn't watching, or she just trots into the woods to find them & eat them then.  YUCKA PUCKA.

So I'll have a good weekend.  It's supposed to get cold, but it's about time.  I'll probably have to light a fire, but it's already October and we haven't had a killing frost yet, nor have I had my first fire.  Which always happens in September.  So ... bonus time.

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