Ahhhh, sunshine. It's been a dreary several days, cold and rainy. But today and tomorrow we'll see sunshine. Feels great. The black flies are still bad but they don't seem to be quite as thick--I spent some time outside last night without being swarmed & bitten too much. I'm hoping the rain has taken care of the pine pollen situation--every year we are covered in greasy yellow powder that's blown about from the pine trees. So far it hasn't been bad, though it's been around. We may be through the worst of it. yeah, right. well, maybe.
I had a good week, not too much going on. I called the stove people today because I hadn't heard from them since sending them pictures and details of my current set-up. I was afraid they'd backed out of the deal once they saw what a mess it is. No, they still have my order in (YAY!!) and we set up a date for installation (1st week of July). I'm looking forward to it with both excitement and dread--it's like having someone go through your underwear drawer or bank records. It feels very personal, and I suppose what I really fear is having the mess that is my house & stove set up exposed to someone who would know what a mess it truly is. We sort of built the house around the wood stove--the space where it sits is specific to the dimensions and placement of that stove. Yikes. The new stove is roughly the same size, but oriented differently, and has a 6" stovepipe instead of the 8" pipe I currently have. Of course. Well, I warned the stove man on the phone that it would be a mess and he said he'd note that on the invoice & install order.
So that's one drama addressed. I also called the contractor who's doing the energy assessment of my house. He thinks he can come next week. Another person looking at my underwear. This visit will be really icky--all the secrets of my house exposed. Well it's a good thing to have done, so I just have to buck up and get through it.
I visited with friends a bit this week, and am having dinner tonight with Linda & Erd. and another friend. We're having organic chicken, cooked by Linda. She's a great cook so it will be delicious I'm sure. Tomorrow I'm having dinner with the same friend and some other people. Which means I won't get to have dinner with Jenica & Justin, who are due to arrive in Hawkeye tomorrow. Oh well, I'll get to visit with them anyway. They're coming ostensibly to start wiring the boat house, which is pretty exciting for those of us who've been reading by candlelight all these years.
Looks as if I'll need to make another dump run tomorrow--I went once this week but that was other people's garbage and some trash I'd unearthed in cleaning the living room last weekend. I dusted, swept, vacuumed, and put things away. What a difference a little bit of cleaning makes!
I had dinner with the Holts and Bill on Sunday, which was nice. Rush has decided to run for the Senate seat that just opened up in NJ. Very exciting. He said we probably won't see him until October, after the special election, which follows August's primary. He's got some tough competition, but when Rush wants something he's pretty good at arranging it. I may go there to campaign for him, as I did before.
Dogs are fine. Treasure's paw pad is healing all right, though it will look very odd when the scar tissue is fully formed. People will be too busy focusing on her (too) long ears to notice, I'm sure. Both dogs have been pretty good at sticking around this week, maybe because of the rain. Not, for sure, because they know that's what they should do. Tomorrow Tess will be tethered on the deck, as I'm sure the bog will be full of people.
So let's see...stove, house, dogs, friends--guess that's about it.
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