Friday, September 01, 2006

Play Misty for me
This doesn't begin to capture the beauty of mist that forms when the air temperature drops below that of a body of water. This morning Silver Lake was hidden under a huge dry-ice looking mass of mist. Very pretty and also one of the best indicators that yes, summer has ended. This picture is of the Saranac River, and as I say isn't really very dramatic. Looks like a simmering cauldron.

Busy week, people still encamped in the neighborhood. Nice dinner with Calif. friends on Tuesday, Ken there and seemed pretty perky. We had to eat indoors, not usually done at their camp--they have a nice screened in porch where we eat all summer. The rest of the week has been a flurry of Linda, Fred, Erdvilas and tennis. Erd. discovered that he can watch live tennis at my house, thanks to my satellite dish. He's been there for the past 3 days, all afternoon. The dogs are reaping the benefit because he is an Excellent Dog Companion. He lets them out, then spends an inordinate amount of time petting Chances. Yesterday he called me at work to see if it was all right that they were drinking out of the toilet. Yes, I said, but you can fill their water bowl as well.

One night I ended up at Linda's for dinner (chicken cooked over a campfire--doesn't get much tastier) and Fred joined us at the last minute. I ate too much but man it was good. Then we went to Hot Dog Man for ice cream. Sunday is their last day so I suspect we'll head there Sat. night. Last time I had a caramel sundae (discussing my pronunciation: KAR-mel, as opposed to the East Coast CAHR-A-mel), this time I tried the butterscotch, which is what Jenica has. Not so tasty, I discovered. I'll stick with my hot fudge, their's is mighty good.

Last night dinner again at Linda's, this time marinated flank steak cooked on the grill. Isn't this stroll down culinary lane fun? After dinner Erd. went to my house to watch Andre Agassi while L, Fred and I went to Fred's to watch The Philadelphia story. Much as I enjoy watching Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn, I went to sleep. Not in the mood. I went home and ended up watching tennis with Erdvilas until nearly 1 a.m., until the end of the match. Who would have thought I could get caught up in tennis on tv like that. It was a great match, though (although it would be ok if they stopped saying how well Agassi is doing for a 36-year-old). Too late too bed, too little sleep.

What's up for the weekend? Not time spent at my camp, that seems certain. The place is crawling with cousins. Two sisters and their husbands and children, their (yuck) mother, plus another cousin and his wife. That about does it for me: might as well put up a picture of me with a diagonal red line through it. I think it's going to be rainy and cold anyway. I have enough chores to do at home so I won't feel cheated out of a weekend at camp. September is one of the best months there, as long as the dock stays in for a while, once the crowds thin.

Surprise luncheon for a woman who's leaving CEF coming up. I thought it was today, busied myself making cole slaw for thousands last night. Nooooo, the luncheon is on Wednesday. So what do I do with a bucket of cole slaw? Take it Linda's, I suspect. Am looking forward to the luncheon--no one will mourn the loss of this woman.

Today? Cataloging like a mad fool. Have discovered a bunch of stuff that needs to be done for Tupper Lake and Upper Jay. Yesterday Tracey (clerk) and I entertained ourselves skimming the autobiography of the father of two trustees/volunteers from Upper Jay. I've worked with these women for years, and Tracey has recently worked with them as we barcoded their collection. They are a funny pair of sisters (will Molly and I be like that in our dotage?). Anyway, there were pictures of these two women, taken when they were in their 20's or so and were very pretty. Plus it was fun reading about their life stories. A bit voyeuristic, but fun. Hell, they sent the book to be cataloged--you have to know what it's about to catalog it, right?

Time to plug in the earphones and warm up the keyboard. Catalog Ho!


  1. "KAR-mel" is right, of course. ;-)

    Lovely photo, as usual. I love mist, and fog; never had it much where I grew up, so I treasure it now.

    Happy cataloging!

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Car-mel, of course. :)

    I've started to lean toward the carmel sundaes over butterscotch... my tastes seem to be changing!
