Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wedding trip
I drove to Ithaca for Jenica's wedding--a 5 1/2 to 6 hour trip. The trip going there on Friday was more fun than the trip home on Sunday. I stopped a lot, poking around different places and getting coffee in interesting diners. I stayed in a motel room with my mother and we had a great time. I was apprehensive because of our different sleep patterns, but it turned out we were both so tired the 2 nights we stayed there that we slept straight through the night and woke up simultaneously. Mark stayed in a room upstairs and the three of us got to have lots of silly time together. It was a really nice visit.

We had a good time at the rehearsal dinner on Friday night, got to see lots of people and note their progress. Good pizza, good beer. Saturday we drove back to The Barn because Mark had to do the flowers. Liza and I got there an hour before he did because he got lost. We sat in a swinging bench for that time and had a really nice time together. After that we drove back to Ithaca to a park on the lake, where we had arranged to meet Liza's sister, her husband and their son's family. We had a nice visit, which was really important to Liza. She doesn't get to see her sister very often anymore--they moved to NH and it's too far for Liza to drive by herself. Her sister has Alzheimers but is doing pretty well. She's on that med that freezes your deterioration so you don't get any worse, but you don't get any better either.

The wedding was great. We had a good time looking over all the medievally dressed people, I got to visit with Grace and Margaret a little, and one of my favorite Rogers cousins, Rob, showed up. Good for him! He lives in New Paltz, so it wasn't a short drive for him. My cousin Elsa was also there with her 2 kids and daughter's boyfriend (Duke--do you suppose that's the name on his birth certificate?). Elsa is a photographer so she was busy taking lots of pictures. We sat with Liza's sister's family and Rob and ate the good food. It still seems amazing to me that Jenica is now married, but I suppose I'll get used to it.

The trip home was a drag. I was very sleepy and had to pull over at one point and take a nap. I stopped in Pulaski (Pull-ass-keye) for coffee at a really nice diner. I was sitting at the counter being ignored by the wait staff and the hostess, a woman about 60 years old, called to me "Do you want a cup of coffee?" I said yes, how did she know, and she said "You have that anxious look about you." We had a nice chat and I told her of my travels. When I left she said "Have a nice trip!" Some people are just really nice. Pulaski is famous for its fishing, and right now the salmon are running. I drove over the river and there were at least 20 fishermen in waders standing in the middle of it within about a 20-yard stretch. And this is fishing? A crowd was watching from shore and I was tempted to stop and watch to see big fish, but I just wanted to get home.

I got home and Fred called, wanting to sit on his dock for one of the last evenings of the season, drinking gin & tonics with me. We had a great visit and the sky was incredibly pink, reflecting a beautiful color in the water. The pink moved across the sky, from east to west as the sun set. Really pretty and peaceful.

When I got home from my trip I found 4 cords of wood dumped in the middle of my driveway. The reward for buying wood from the same people year after year--Lee knew exactly where I wanted it dumped, and trusted me to pay.

I picked up the dogs at the kennel. They like it there; when I dropped them off the pulled Joan into the kennel building, wagging their tales and skipping up the steps and in the door. What a couple of sweeties are my dogs. They were thrilled to see me and Tess stood in her usual spot on the armrest, diligently watching the road all the way home. What would I do without her guidance?

Yesterday I spent the morning in Keeseville with member library directors at a meeting. I really like those people, they are some of the nicest. We had lunch together and everyone brought us all up to date with what's going on with them.

Last night Fred called, wanting to go out to dinner at this diner-type place in Wilmington. That was a disaster. Terrible food, but we giggled and mocked each other and the food for the duration. Then we stopped for ice cream, had to settle for Drumsticks from the local convenience store. We laughed a LOT.

And today I'm at work, getting ready to catalog a video series of Shakespearian plays. Yawn, big yawn. Yesterday was a beautiful fall day, with that hazy look in the air. Wow. Supposed to get colder this week, a high in the 50's later on. And so autumn progresses.

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