Monday, June 22, 2009

Cutest thing

Originally uploaded by woodsrun
Have you ever seen anything cuter than this?
Me on the left, Molly, and Henry.

I like this because
a) I'm frowning, obviously taking it very seriously, what my sister is pointing out,
b) my sister and I have very blonde hair,
c) we're all wearing UVM sweatshirts--my father was teaching there, d) Molly's pants have those iron-on patches that never really worked but were the big thing then,
e)my brother is letting my sister be in charge, his hands folded patiently
f) mostly because my sister's and brother's hands are completely recognizeable, and they looked like that all their lives

1 comment:

  1. That is such a cool observation about the hands. I think we were posing, don't you? It's a really wonderful picture.
