Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Riding in my car

Oh we love riding in the car, all right.  I like seeing them in the mirror.  They like hanging their heads out the window.

I've been good about doing my 3 things every day.  Sometimes the "things" are less strenuous and eventful, but I do three of them.  This week I'm stacking firewood,stacking 3 wheelbarrow loads of firewood in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.  I don't usually stack my own firewood but the people who do it have more complicated schedules this year so it's not getting done.  I have 6 cords to stack and doubt that I'll get it all done before snow flies but I'm doing my best.  I can't do much more than that each day because my back hurts.  whine whine.

I'm also counting calories now.  Boy is that a drag.  When I lost 28 pounds a few (or many) years ago it was with WeightWatchers, but this time I'm trying calorie counting as a method.  My friend Linda is doing WW, we did it at the same time before.  That is a good program, very effective but I feel like trying the calorie thing and saving the money.

The weather has been grand.  We didn't get much snow, just a dusting, and now it's warm and sunny with no wind.  A real treat.

The book sale went well.  I worked 2 1/2 hours, then had an asthma attack and went home.  They could have used my help at the end of the sale, packing unsold books in boxes.  Next time I'll do it differently and hopefully will help in the afternoon too.

I'm feeling good these days--better because I'm actually being productive.  I like my 3-thing days and sometimes, amazingly, I do MORE than 3 things.  Yikes, I'm out of control.  Life is good.  Retirement is extremely good.

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