Friday, August 17, 2018

Early morning (too early)

I was awake before 5 this morning but managed to fool the dogs until 6, a more respectable time to get out of bed.  They can tell when I wake, it's a combination of my movements and the change in my breathing (and maybe the groaning I do).  Now we're up and both dogs have had their morning meal and walk though we didn't do a decent bog walk, I just am not in the mood.  My walking partner is in North Carolina and it's sure not as much fun to walk with just dogs who don't carry on a stimulating conversation.

I'm off to Platts. this morning, fasting blood test so I'm drinking my coffee black, ugh.  I really do like milk in my coffee but am such a creature of habit that I insist on having hot coffee when I get up.  Anyway I have errands to run in stores and places that don't open until 9 so I have to wait before heading out.

It's been a good couple of days--much time spent on my friend's dock and in the water.  We use noodles to swim out fairly far (by my standards) then hang out and visit in the cool water.  Very very nice, I am a lucky duck. 

The heat has taken a bit of a break, it's 58 this morning but there's no sign of the sun.  Supposed to rain, big storms this afternoon.  That's OK, my plants need watering.

I've called 2 people about getting spray foam insulation for my house--the house is on posts and the insulation is falling down and coming loose so it's been suggested I have the work done.  I put off calling and that's typical of me: don't do what you don't want to do.  Now I have to return the call of one of the men and set up a time for him to come look it all over.  Oh sometimes I just hate being an adult!  At least I did make an appointment to have my cracked windshield replaced.  Yet another adult task.

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