Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sunny Sunday? Not quite

It was sunny until about 10 minutes ago.  I was up at 6:30 and it was bright and lovely.  I walked the bog with my friend (and the dogs) then we had coffee and scones in my living room while visiting.  Her husband has cancer and is often the topic of our discussions.  Yesterday I had coffee with them on their deck with an incredible view of the bluffs near the lake.  We talked then about someone in their lives who is mentally ill, the details of which don't really matter.  I shared a lot--A LOT about my experiences with my own illness(es) and how it is from the perspectives of living it and living past it.  It was emotional for me but I was surprised at how well I managed reliving the dark dark days of my past.  "Is this all right with me?" I asked myself while I was talking to them, "Am I going to cry?"  But no I didn't and it WAS all right with me.  I hope I offered some insights and support to them.  Mostly what I meant to say was that there's not a lot you can do when dealing with someone who's in the throes of an episode, don't try to reason, just be patient.  Like me, this person they deal with is a rapid cycler--BANG! it all comes suddenly but disappears just as quickly.  And life goes on.

OK, enough about that.  What else is going on?  I worked at the thrift store yesterday, spent more time socializing with friends I think than actually being productive.  I did help with the books, threw out a lot of donations.  It's tricky, deciding what to keep that might sell, or might not sell, and what to discard right off the top.  Yesterday it was someone's extensive collection of exercise and diet books, mostly good and relatively new titles.  No, those don't sell.

What does this week look like?  A dinner with friends, time at the gym tomorrow morning, a dump run tomorrow.  I think it's supposed to rain today so maybe I'll get stuff together by cleaning out the fridge, haven't done that in a long time and man oh man is that needed.

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