Sunday, February 24, 2019

Where have I been?

Oh nowhere special, just been busy and apparently not in the mood to communicate.  I got behind in my journal, too.  I'm usual very conscientious about writing in my journal every evening but last week I fell behind and had to go back to recreate events of a couple of days.  Oh the shame!

Life goes on at its usual pace in Hawkeye.  I did get to the gym pretty much every day last week, we were on a real streak.  One morning we walked the bog  here but the snow was a little deep for that and we sort of struggled.  The next day my friend brought snowshoes and we went down toward camp.  I wanted to go out on the lake but didn't have my inhaler (duh)(oh I hate being invalid-ish) so we didn't go--the hill coming home would be tough indeed.

This was the weekend of The Burn and that went well.  It was trickier than usual, getting the blaze going but the Miracle Workers managed a good enough fire.  It was, as always good to see people and visit.  I had dinners with friends and that was nice too but I gained a pound this week.  Any connection?  Oh I hate to think so.

Tomorrow may bring a visit from the only surviving relative on my mother's side, my cousin who lives in Vermont.  He's undecided about coming but seems to want to visit.  Maybe we'll go down to the lake, there was a good snowmobile track that would be easy walking.  Except that it rained hard today so I don't know what kind of shape the track is in.

My friend lent me a pair of snowshoes so now I'm enthused about trekking.  Only in the neighborhood for now but I do have a friend who would like to explore other paths.  We'll see.

It's 40 degrees right now, yikes.  It's supposed to get very windy, it's calm right now.  Wind is not my friend, I always worry about trees coming down on the driveway, the car, the road, anything.  And of course my favorite: power outage.  I try hard to live by my motto of not worrying about things I can't control.  I sure can't control the weather.  I've done what I can to keep my house warm but I am dependent on electricity for water and cooking.

My week looks pretty quiet, work Tuesday and Thursday.  Thrift store on Wednesday.  A trip to Burlington on Friday for the dermatologist.  Do I want to go alone or should I be generous and tell my friend who likes to accompany me across the lake so she could go too?  I'm undecided.  But will probably tell her.

Right now I'm watching a video of a Queen concert.  Wasn't Freddy Mercury just amazing though.

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