Thursday, May 13, 2004

So it's another summer-like day, truly wonderful and warm. The leaves in the Champlain Valley are huge and bright green. Not so big at home, but green nevertheless. My daylilies came with UPS today, so this weekend I'll have to decide where to put them. These are the ones I bought with Fred's HGR2 memorial money so they're special. Small and single plants, 5 varieties in all, but special nevertheless. Some are fragrant, some are short. Should be fun to figure out where to put them. Putting them in, not so much fun if the black flies are still out in force.

What else is up for the weekend? Buying plants with Lin, of course! It's May, what else would be going on! We've set up tomorrow as a trip to our favorite spot, and I'll get some annuals to start with my containers. Nothing special, just a start to make me feel as if life is going on and spring is truly underway. Other than that all I really need to do is try to get the dog hair and pee smell out of my rug. And find an answer to the question: Why does my dog pee on my bed? She did it last night, while I was watching tv in the living room. What's up with that? At least she peed on the other side of the bed, where Tess often sleeps. OK, so I guess we can figure out the motivation on that one. "You suck on my ear all night so I'll pee on your bedding." But honestly, this has got to stop. I like to leave the bedroom door open to create a nice cross-breeze in the house, but perhaps I can't even do that when I'm home. The hell with them all.

Nice evening with Ken last night, I know he appreciated the fact that I actually laughed with him for the first time in a month. He felt comfortable enough to take a long nap after dinner in front of CNN, our old familiar pattern. Chances woke him up after half an hour, though, apparently figuring the evening should come to a close so he should wake up to say good night to us. Since the Godiva chocolates were gone and we were eating the Whitmans I guess it was ok to leave. We did have a nice time, though. This year he's designing my new deck for me. Each time I see him he asks another question about it. Latest idea is that part of it has a roof over it so I can store wood under it in the winter. I suggested it be screened in but he pretended he didn't hear me. Yes, I can tell when he's pretending he doesn't hear me. Anyway, I need to figure out how to scare up the money to order the wood and have it delivered soon so we can get going on this deck, I really need a new one. This would be an extremely good thing to get done.

Now it's quittin' time and I can go home. Stop to pick up prints from the march in DC on my way home. I had enlargements made of the great picture of Henry on the sleeping porch from last year, one for my desk and one to put on the Wall of Fallen Heroes at camp. It's such a great shot, such a typical pose and expression.

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