We're all very silent at work, as if in mourning. We can't believe it. When I left yesterday I was hopeful, really hopeful, but then I'm an eternal optimist when it comes right down to it. I was so nervous watching the returns last night. I finally went to bed at 1, very discouraged and sad. Pleased that Kerry took Wisconsin, pleased that he took as much as he did, but really upset at the big swatch of red that covered so much of the country. How angry and ugly it looked. I cooked meatloaf and mashed potatoes for Ken and Bill and we watched early returns in silence. I guess we knew from the start it would be hard to pull it off. My enthusiasm waned with each passing moment. At least Rush won, but he'll have a hard fight and an unpleasant term in Congress. I don't envy the Democrats in Congress right now. This country is in for four very unpleasant, contentious and miserable years.
Strangely silent on blogspot today.
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