Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Beautiful sunny day. After many days of indecisive weather, we are now facing a string of warm and sunny days. Too warm by the weekend, temps in the 80's. I don't care for that, I prefer 70 and clear. Am not good in heat.

My 5 day break was not as productive as I'd hoped but I had a good time. Finally got myself to address the back of the house, the library, where all the stuff of the past year has accumulated. Yesterday I took 4 bags of trash to the dump. I didn't finish the job and in some ways it looks worse than it did when I started, but I feel better about it. Progress was made, things were identified, things were thrown out. I cleaned the shower, a job I hate. I planted a lot of flowers, a job I love. I still have a lot of flowers left to plant, but they are the ones that go in the garden and I have to do a lot of weeding before the ground is ready to receive them. My containers look wonderful, though. I think I planted 5 big pots full of nice assortments. There's one I'm not particularly pleased with, but it will look ok when things grow a bit more.

I'm only working until 11:30 today, then it's off to Burlington for my annual gynecological exam. I'm seeing someone new this year. I haven't had a regular person for some time, every time I see someone she seems to move on. When I first moved here I had the most wonderful doctor, a reproductive endocrinologist who performed my two surgeries. He eventually became president of the hospital, however, and is now an administrator. I need him back, I need to have someone who knows a lot about endometriosis examine me. I'll have this woman do a thorough exam to see if/where I have endometriosis. I don't see how it could be possible to still have any active sites, but it's such an insidious disease that you just never know. Anyway, a sunny ride on the ferry is on my agenda, and getting home earlier than usual.

Tonight my friend Linda is cooking dinner for Ken, the women from Balto and me. A nice break for me, although I cooked Ken's dinner last night because he seemed a bit lost when I was there to put drops in his eye. I stayed with him for 2 hours, then went to Linda's for a long visit. I didn't get to bed until nearly 1:00, then awoke at 5 and couldn't get back to sleep. I'm a bit hazy today and hope to sleep for an hour when I get home. I can sleep on the ferry, for the 20 minutes it takes to cross the lake.

I finally finished the recording of Tom Wolfe's latest book this morning. I think it was 25 CD's. It was good, but not THAT good. Then I listened to Pink. That took me back to the schoolhouse last June and the activities of The Tribe. Starting the days off with a game of Twister. Sitting around the table, sitting on the deck. In spite of it all we had a nice time together.

Tomorrow we go to Elizabethtown to barcode their collection. It's a really nice library and I think we'll finish up barcoding there. Friday I'll spend the day in a workshop learning Power Point. Monday I go to Canton to a meeting on the interlibrary loan software we use in the region, analyzing its use and planning its future. Someday I'll return to my regular job.

1 comment:

  1. It took me a bit to remember that Pink is the name of a musical group. At first I thought you were referring to the quality of light in the front room. The schoolhouse was a glorious place, but with its limitations. Such as, impossible in the winter. How can people live that far north? I loved it in the summertime.
    Life is so very strange sometimes. Wasted on mortal like us, I suppose. We don't appreciate it enough, minute by minute.
