Monday, June 27, 2005

It's very hot, hot, hot
It's been hot for days. 93 on Saturday. I stayed in the boat house Friday and Saturday nights, but the back bedroom downstairs in my house was very cool last night (I slept under a comforter, even) because it's up against the woods, which cools it off a whole lot. I had a very unproductive weekend. Saturday it was too hot for me to do anything. I decided that I wouldn't do anything at home so I stayed at camp. I sat on the boat house porch for most of the morning, then moved to the big rock to catch the sun in the afternoon. I discovered that someone had built a fire on the rock sometime during the winter and it's covered with leftover char. Yucca pucca. I really hate the thought of someone's hanging out at our boat house during the winter, but there's not much we can do about it. Anyway, I enjoyed myself a whole lot, as did the Brown Girls. We all swam a bunch in water that is cold but not too cold, just refreshing enough. I loved it.

Sunday I hosted Sunday dinner but Bill did all the work. My cousin Bill and my cousin Anne's husband Jim put in the boat house dock and Sonci's dock in the morning (Tess said "DOCKS! I'm standing on a DOCK!"). Bill and I had invited The Boys from the camp below my house, so I was really happy to get to spend time with them. As previously noted, I really like them a lot. They loved having wine and cheese on the b.h. porch before dinner and hanging out on camp's porch for a long time after dinner. They looked really cute, all lined up in the chairs facing the lake. It was cool and wonderful and they didn't leave until after 3. I stayed to wash the dishes, went home at 4 and took a long nap with Jackson and the chocolates.

Today it's hot still, due to be 90. I went to the doctor this morning. He is my friend. He burst into the room, announcing "I hate this weather!" Then we had a long talk about Tom Cruise and Scientology and their misguided views on psychiatry and chemical imbalances. My bad cholesterol level is down from 109 to 67. He was thrilled, I was surprised. It's due to my increased activity level, we guessed. Mowing the lawn, walking the dogs. I suppose if I lived in a warmer climate overall health would be better, assuming I were active all year. Anyway, I haven't lost weight but my pants fit better. He says I'm converting fat to muscle. I said he was exaggerating. I like a doctor who is excited and optimistic. We talked about the interview we both heard on the Today show this morning. he heard it while he was doing rounds at the nursing home (see? I said he was a wonderful doctor--who else would do such a dismal job). Matt Lauer interviewing Tom Cruise, followed by the President of the American Psychiatric Association. All the buzz.

And now I must catalog an interesting mix for Ticonderoga. Some audio books, some fiction, some really strange stuff. And have another cup of coffee before I switch to Diet Coke. Must try the new version of Diet Coke, which is rumored to taste just like regular Coke. But I really like the taste of Diet Coke...

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