Friday, October 08, 2010


And even better, it's a 3-day weekend.  Not supposed to call it Columbus Day.  I can't remember what the correct name is.  All I remember is that I don't have to come to work on Monday.  There are several things I hope to (HOPE to) get done this weekend: close the boat house, mow the lawn (? a big maybe), go to the dump, laundry, clean--well, MY definition of clean--the house.  At least get the kitchen in shape.  Cleaning the refrigerator, however wonderful an achievement that was, doesn't count as cleaning the whole kitchen.

I took cans & bottles to the "redemption center."  Why can't they call it something else, like "nickel trickle," or "return your valuables here," or something more entertaining.  No, wait, Redemption Center is pretty entertaining.  I always feel so redeemed when I dump off 150 cans & bottles & get money in return.  Never mind that I've already paid for the stuff and it's just a refund--it always feels like a gift.  yeah, right.

Busy weekend, as Columbus Day always is.  The last hurrah for summer people.  Dinner at Linda's tomorrow to celebrate Bill's 65th birthday.  Dinner Sunday at someone else's.  I offered to make cheesecake for that one.  Why did I do that?  Linda's going to get rid of her strawberries by making a rhubarb-strawberry topping.  She's having a hard time emptying her fridge and freezer.  She bought half a pig this season and it turned out to be more pork than humans can consume.  What's for dinner Sat. night?  gee, pork maybe?  Smoked turkey Sunday night.  We're a predictable group, we are.

I spent a lot of time this week with good friends from Minnesota.  They have a camp down the hill from my house and they are some of my favorite people.  It was nice to have some quiet visiting time with them, just us without a crowd for dinner, cocktails, whatever.  They left yesterday.  Others left this morning.  Linda leaves Tuesday.   Fred won't be there much longer, nights are cold and it's hard to get his camp warm.  Not fun.

I've been having fires in the stove, so nice to burn dry wood in a clean stove with a clean stovepipe.  It actually warms up the house.  Ahhhhhh.  I need to figure out what to do under the house.  The house is built on posts so there's space between the ground & the bottom of the house.  The ground is covered with plastic and there was insulation between the floor joists, but the insulation is dripping down.  Looks like crap but worse, makes the house colder.  I can put up more insulation but I'd like to find another way of doing it.  I hate working with insulation.  Ah, the joys of home ownership.  And living alone.

I don't live alone--I have many pets.  The dogs are fine, very patient with me when I spend so much time away from home.  The cat, previously apathetic, now seems to care if I'm home or not.  She likes my lap.  Astonishing, for a cat who cares only about food and a place far from humanity.  The fish are problematic.  The heater in the aquarium seems not to work anymore so the water is chilly for the poor tetras.  There was a massive fish kill when I changed the water, then the new ones got too cold and crossed the rainbow bridge.  Except for 2 hardy souls.  They look pretty pathetic but are determined to survive I guess.  So the ratio of dead to living in my house is 5:2.  Not great odds for an innocent fish.

I did a workshop on weeding library collections this week.  I did a Powr Pt presentation, passing out copies of course, so the audience could read along.  It was well received and I've already had one request to travel to a library & weed the collection there.  Success!  Our libraries tend to have outdated non-fiction collections that don't circulate and are in bad shape, crammed tight on the shelves.  Not appealing.  One library director reported gleefully that she'd tossed the Princess Di biographies, as I used as an example of what one might consider no longer necessary in a collection.  Biographies can stand to be weeded pretty often--do we really want an old autobiography of Patty Duke?

I get to leave at 3 today (yahoo) for a doctor's appointment.  I'd even rather be in a doctor's office than at my desk, how pathetic is that.  I got my flu shot this week, then had a sore throat the next day.  OH NO!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!  No, nothing happened.

Time to get back to MARC records and authority control.

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