Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Oh dear I've neglected this blog.  I had intended to be a regular contributor but somehow it just doesn't happen.  Try harder!

It's a gorgeous sunny day with blue blue skies and white white snow.  Temps in the 20's, approaching freezing, really lovely.  I went to the thrift store for the morning then came home to hack away at the packed snow on my steps.  It gets more like a bobsled run if I don't keep up with the shoveling (which I rarely do).  I got the steps cleared but didn't work on the path from the door to the steps, that's a well-packed down walkway about 2" high.  I'll wait to see if the predicted rain makes it easier to clear.  If not, then what?

I've been doing my usual things--working in Keene Valley Tuesday and Thursday.  Yesterday was a long day because there was a meeting at 4 that I was asked to attend.  Man I was tired last night!  Pretty funny.  I left the dogs at home, taking a chance with Bear because he hasn't spent much unchaperoned time in the house.  They were fine but certainly happy to see me.

This morning I went to the thrift store but we couldn't open for 2 hours because of a propane problem.  That meant we sat in the basement of the church drinking coffee and visiting.  I didn't have the nerve to leave so waited until we opened, then worked a bit before leaving at my usual time.  Boy it's amazing how busy that thrift store ALWAYS is.

Tomorrow is a Keene Valley day.  May go to the gym at 6:45, may skip it.  Temps are supposed to be obscenely high and it's supposed to rain Friday just before temps drop and it all freezes.  Donny wasn't able to plow my driveway because of a truck problem so I push it in my car coming and going.  Not good but he guarantees me that he'll have it plowed by tomorrow night even if he has to use his tractor.  That would be good.

Life continues to be good, very good.  I have massive housecleaning chores to get done by Sunday when I host book group.  Uh-oh--can't do it too far in advance because then it will just get dirty so I have to wait until Friday at the earliest.  Yeah, that's right.

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