Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tuesday--is it spring yet?

Temp today was in upper 30's but there wasn't sun.  Some breeze, though, which helps melt the snow.

Yesterday was a Plattsburgh day, doctor's appointment and a couple of errands.  Did go to the gym first, did half an hour on the treadmill.  This morning we went to the gym but only did 15 minutes because my friend had to get to work early.  Oh I'm so happy I don't have a full-time job!  I do have a job, though, and went to the Archives today.  I don't have to be there until 9 and only work until noon so it's barely enough time to get anything done.  We had the 7th-grade class from the school visit.  I am not a good tour guide of the place so I turned them over to my assistant Margaret and she did a wonderful job.  We weren't sure what they wanted to get from the visit, the teacher was a little vague but the kids had a good time looking up photos.  I asked them if they knew what a card catalog was--guess what they said--NO.  They had no idea what it was or how to use it so we set them loose on the ever-important to the Archives card catalog.  It was fine and I laughed at the fact that libraries haven't had card catalogs in the lifetimes of these kids.  I explained it to my mother--she was stunned that the kids didn't know about card catalogs but I reminded her that libraries got rid of catalogs 20 or more years ago.  What a job that was, getting rid of the cards.  We found a company that would recycle our cards and we sold the catalogs themselves for $50 each (my friend bought them and resold them for $200 each to friends).  Oh those were the days...    not.

Tomorrow I'm volunteering at the thrift store.  My first official day in Receiving.  I went yesterday to be trained and am still (more?) intimidated.  I'll be fine, I just don't want to make decisions that much.  I can barely make decisions about what to wear.

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