Tuesday, February 12, 2008


A friend sent me this picture, along with one of those "this really happened" stories. Is this what he looks like now? If so, compared to Robert Redford, he's aged incredibly well. I have a friend who was a camper with Linda, Bill, etc. They called him Paul Newman as a camper, and I can see the resemblence. Geez.


  1. Wow.


    What a way to wake up this morning.

    Thanks! :-)

  2. However, that seems to be an older photo: this is now. I love his eyes. They are awesome, even still.

  3. Anonymous8:39 AM

    OH NO!!!! OK, so maybe Redford has aged better than Newman has. I can't believe that's really Paul. I think someone was playing with one of those "This is what you'd look like if you were 70" programs.
    Oh, I'm so disillusioned. But here I am, double nickels, just another reminder. suffer, suffer.
    Oh, he looks so old, so very old. You have deflated my happiness balloon and I must now drink gallons of coffee to steele myself.

  4. NO NO!

    He looks much better than that second picture. I used to see him pretty often when I worked at Sarah Lawrence.

  5. Yeah, I did a little more Googling and found much better photos, though several bad ones from the same date/event as the one to which I linked. He must have been having an AWFUL day that day.

    However, he still has the most beautiful eyes, regardless of the number of wrinkles and age-spots around them.

    He has, however, apparently 'officially' retired, citing poor memory and physical difficulties. The man is after all in his 80s! :-)
