Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rain in January

We've already had our January thaw so what's with today's rain?  All that will happen is that it will all freeze overnight and it will be hell freezing over.  I don't get frustrated (much) by weather, though, because there's nothing we can do about it.  Now that I don't have to drive to Plattsburgh every morning it seems like a less significant part of life.  It's really a BIG part of life here in Hawkeye, our activities are often determined by weather, but it has less of an impact on my daily doings than it used to. 

I'm trying to stay home more, resist the urge to run the roads.  Saturday was a bad day, I went to the dump, came home, went to Wilmington to drop off stuff at the thrift store, then came home.  Why not combine the 2?  What was I thinking?  Sunday I went only to P&J's, but yesterday I went to Plattsburgh for a doctor's appointment.  Not a good time, my cholesterol is too high in spite of the statin I take.  He's giving me 3 months to work on this before taking another approach.  EXERCISE would make a difference, but who wants that?  Anyway, I think my eating habits during the weeks leading up to last week's blood work were quite cholesterol-inducing so maybe I can be more careful.  Yes, that's what I'll do.  When it comes to this, genetics are not my friend.  When it comes to my teeth, genetics are my best friend.  One parent had lousy teeth, one has great teeth, so at least I can be thankful for that heritage.  And that is a big deal to me.

I'm slacking off on my 3-things-a-day plan and need to get back into that.  I cleaned out a bureau in the master bedroom and today I'll put the sheets I only use in summer in that bureau (what's the difference between a dresser and a bureau?).  That will made a big difference in the laundry "room," which is just the hallway between the bathroom and bedroom downstairs.  It looks like hell right now and I'm always trying to figure out how to improve on that.  I love the way my mind works: slowly.  It came to me this morning that I have a place to put the linens that fill the shelf there, a place out of sight.  duh.

I'll make 3 trips to Plattsburgh this week, which is too many.  One to the doctor, one for lunch with Julie and one for lunch with Barb.  The lunches are necessary, I feel.  The doctor was just thrown in to make me feel bad about myself.  I don't mind going to Plattsburgh but I realize it's not the most constructive use of my time.  And I spend less money when I stay home.

Lin and I went to the movies on Thursday, we saw Joy then went out for dinner.  A nice time, and a good film.  Not a great film, but very good.  Nicely done by Jennifer Lawrence, that's for sure.

The dogs are just fine.  Tess seems to be on a roll about going out and coming in and going out and coming in.  I live to serve.  Both dogs like to stand on the deck and bark endlessly.  Oh how lucky I am to have no neighbors, this is great entertainment for the dogs.

I really need to make an effort to walk more.  My walk to camp last week was fantastic and beautiful, my walk to the mailbox was a bit cold, and that's all I've done.  Today I'll walk to the mailbox, oh yes I will.

I'm reading The Martian for book group, and am enjoying it.  Too much science in it, really, for me, but it's a well-written account.  Of course I get to picture Matt Damon when I read it and that only improves my reaction to the book.

I chatted on Facebook with a high-school friend.  We're friends on Goodreads and recommend books to each other successfully.  It was nice to communicate with her, like an abbreviated phone call.  I saw this woman at our 40th high school reunion but didn't really visit with her then.  I wish I had, but probably not enough to go to another reunion.  ugh.

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