New color, no significance, just something different to look at. I'm not one for fancifying or making use of everything that's available, I just like to write. Especially about myself, apparently.
I put together my new inexpensive exercise bicycle and pedaled for 10 minutes. Boy do I feel self-righteous. It's my goal to lower my cholesterol levels and exercise, sadly, is the key to that. Diet, too, but that won't do it unless I add moving around. I was hoping to get into the habit of walking to the mailbox every day but no, it's oh-so-easy to drive instead. Bad girl. The disadvantage of the bike, of course, is that the dogs get no exercise on it. They exercised themselves this morning by chasing a flock of turkeys. That went well until the turkeys discovered they had wings and could fly. Dogs came home without even a feather.
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