Tuesday, February 02, 2016


I just had a moment of total confusion about what day it is.  Is it Monday or Tuesday?  There's no way of knowing unless I reconstruct yesterday.  I don't really enjoy this aspect of retirement, especially since I'm used to leading a very strictly scheduled life.

OK, I've got it.  Yesterday I went to the Blue Heron for breakfast with Duncan and David.  While we were chatting the power went out so cooking French toast was not possible.  We sat in front of the fireplace for a long time, visiting and solving the world's problems.  The power finally came back on and breakfast went ahead.  David made delicious French toast and we had a grand time.  More conversation after breakfast, and after many hours of being there I came home.  What a good time I had.

The weekend was pretty quiet except for dinners with the Blue Herons.  John was here until Sat. afternoon, so I had dinner with the 3 of them Friday night, and Saturday night I had dinner with Bill and the Herons.  Lots of laughter and conversation, a lovely evening.  Tonight I'm having dinner down there.  Duncan and David are undecided about their departure date, it will be either tomorrow or Thursday.  The weather tomorrow is supposed to be basically dismal but warm.  Rain, maybe snow but probably rain because it's supposed to be in the 40's.  Today is gray and cool, temp is 33 but it feels colder because of the dampness.

I went to AuSable this morning, mailed some things and got a few groceries.  I'm taking dessert to dinner so I'll make brownies and I bought ice cream.  The trip to town was quick and uneventful.  I skipped the bank.  I had a check from Jim that I'd left in the car: Treasure ate it so I'll have to report that to Jim, how embarrassing.

I'm watching Groundhog Day.  It's not as good if you turn it on halfway through, but I adore Bill Murray.  I've done 3 things today but will go to the Holts this afternoon to make sure their generator shut off when the power came back on.  And I'll water Annie's  African violet.  I had a long talk with her on the phone this morning, we've been out of touch for a while.  She and Rush are just fine and she's adjusting to life in DC.

Dogs are fine, they take themselves for a walk pretty much every morning when I get back from getting the paper.  I guess it's OK for now--there's no one in the neighborhood and no traffic.  I'm lazy and like to have them exercise themselves. 

Not much else going on.  I still feel very insecure about winter.  Is this all there is to it?  I just have the feeling that winter is coming and will be hard and long once it arrives.  I should be thinking that every warmer day is one less frigid day, but I guess my glass is half empty about the weather.  Oh dear, must work on that.

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