Thursday, November 15, 2018

Oh no! not again!

Predictions for a big storm tonight and tomorrow!   Run for cover!   Their best guess is that we might get a foot of snow.  It's cold so it should be fine, drier snow.  Right now the temp is 4, I think it's supposed to get up to 20 today.  Makes me think of my friends in Georgia and chuckle--don't they wish they were here today?!

Life has been good and without incident.  The car is still clean, my wood stove works well, the insulation I had sprayed under the house is working admirably.  It's true that the living room is cold at 59 but it will warm up and there's not the draftiness of the past.  The upstairs is much cooler, yay for that, not losing as much heat from the downstairs.  That's what the sprayers predicted, there's not the big draft coming through the downstairs with all that cold air being blocked.  I'm so happy!

Although I was convinced it was Saturday when I got up this morning at 5:30, it's really Thursday.  A work day.  I'll head out around 8 or so, be home by 1 if I come straight home.  No anticipated stops today.  So what will I do this afternoon?  I have glassware for the thrift store that needs to be washed--I brought a box home weeks ago to wash before selling it but then my well ran dry so it's been sitting in my mudroom all this time.  I'm so cocky about my water supply that I'm doing laundry right now, just a smallish load but I don't feel like going to the neighbors' to do it.  Oh I'm living close to the edge all right.

Hard to believe Thanksgiving is next week.  I'm leaving on Tuesday but packing is no big deal.  I have a LIST, a long list.  At the top of the list is TURKEY, don't forget the turkey.  Then we have dog bowls and dog food, don't ever forget those!

It's 0 in Saranac Lake right now, we're so much better off than they are.

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