Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Slothiness (see below)
Well, speaking of Karma. I'm working on the rest of the Peru juvenile collection today and came across Sloth's birthday party. It's about Sloth--"Sloth's house was a terrible mess. 'I like a house that looks lived in,' said Sloth. 'How else can one be comfortable.?' He moved the jelly jars over on his wash tub and rested his big furry feet."
So then Sloth has a party because his house is closer than Rat's house and Rat, Armadillo and Toucan get caught in the rain. Needless to say, Sloth only has one spoon, not enough bowls and his roof leaks into the lukewarm soup. '"It's the same soup every time, but somehow it always tastes different! Sometimes it tastes stronger than at other times, depending on what's fallen in. You know,"' said Sloth, '"Sometimes things get into soup you hadn't planned on.'"

So there I am, Sloth. Except that I have plenty of bowls and spoons, but living in a house that's a terrible mess and looks lived in. By a troop of sloths and their pet dogs.

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