Friday, December 08, 2006

What a difference a day makes

Feeling better today. As my friend Linda said yesterday, we are in control of how our days go. Well, sort of I am. Not entirely--a lot of chemicals contribute. Anyway, I made a quick stop last night to replace the knitting needle I lost somewhere in my living room (had to buy 2, of course) then hustled on home through heavy snow. About 4" of powder at home. No fire but coals enough to make starting one pretty easy. Also the house was fairly warm instead of freezing and uncomfortable. I got it warmed up with a hot, hot fire, which was soooo nice. Dogs were hysterical and drove me crazy but when I told Tess to SIT, SIT, SIT she actually did, but she did it so much that she finally whined to be allowed to get up. That made me laugh. In spite of my stupidity at having left the heat on in the bedroom all day, I felt good about my house, about my life and my ability to function. I brought in wood, settled in for the night and watched dumb television (OK, that didn't make me feel good about myself, but at least I wasn't depressed or crying). Even though Grey's Anatomy was a rerun I still enjoyed a night of nothing. That new show with Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin isn't as good as everyone says it is, is what I think.

The dogs could not accept it that the plow came by last night and would not give up protecting my house. I guess if we were in Penn. they would have taken up arms and fired away. They barked way too much. I didn't need to have my driveway plowed, it stopped snowing just after I got home. I forgot to call Ken until 9 and then we were both very cheerful. I promised to stop by tonight to make his bed for him--he says this is a really difficult thing for him to do so I said it was really simple for me and I hoped he'd let me do it for him. All he has to do is strip the bed & wash the sheets. He said they'd be folded & ready for me. I'm stunned that he's letting me do something like this for him but am really pleased that I can help him.

I have many errands to take care of today: credit union, bank, drug store, wine store for Sunday dinner, Christmas shopping and then...STORM DOOR. Apparently all I have to do is buy it and this friend of Bill's, who's going to install it for me (how wise is this? I've no idea, but it will be probably $100 cheaper than having Lowes do it) will pick it up next week and do it. This will all happen during lunch and after work. Get organized, girlfriend, plan your route. Decide which 2 tasks you'll have time for during lunch and which routes you'll take after work. Drug store at one end of town, other stores at the other end. As I say, I'm feeling pretty perky today. Not even stupid member library donations can get to me.

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