Tuesday, April 04, 2017

"when doing the dishes is the highlight of your day you have to laugh"

So says my friend Carol.  That's because doing the dishes in hot water WAS the highlight of my day.  Because the water came out of my own faucet.  yes, it's true, I have indoor plumbing again.  I turned on the pump tonight and it came up to pressure just the way it was supposed to.  Boy was I relieved, I was worried that the frozen line (if that's what it was) had burst somewhere between the house and the well.  I like to think I'm an optimist but sometimes I just feel the worst will happen.  Anyway it's all good.  I just took a shower in my very own shower, first time in more than 3 weeks.  So now I'm back to what passes for normal at 58OHR.

I'm still going to the gym in the morning, this week we meet at 6 a.m. because of my friend's work schedule.  That means I'm up at 5 and out of the house by 5:30.  This morning that meant walking down the driveway.  in the mud.  in the rain.  in the dark.  Oh I was thrilled.  But I did it--we agree that our dedication to treadmills is mostly due to our allegiance to each other and our promises of showing up.  Whatever works, and this works very well.

I made a basket this week, not something I do often any more.  It's an Easter basket for my friend's grandchild and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.  It only took 2 hours to make, the large baskets tend to take less time because there's less weaving involved if you use big weavers.  I never used to time myself making baskets but I was curious yesterday so kept track.  Will I make more baskets?  I was tempted to make another one yesterday but decided not to.

Tess is still hacking and a mess.  She's good during the day but nights are worse.  It's hard to get a good night's sleep with her coughing and hacking so much.  I shouldn't complain, I feel really sorry for the poor dear.  I did finally collect enough urine for a sample, which I delivered to the vet on Saturday.  They had to mail it out (postage included in the $180 charge) so I won't hear the results until the end of the week apparently.  I just feel bad for Tess, she's tired of this. (so am I, but then I'm not the one with the problem)

Next week I head to RI for an Easter visit.  I'll get pansies, that will be nice.

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