Thursday, April 27, 2006

Puppy on a plate
Although I don't approve of the practice, when I'm finished with my dinner I let the dogs lick my plate. I got up from my seat the other night and Tess apparently wanted to make a statement (or share her bounty with Puppy, her beloved stuffed toy recently discovered in the yard when the snow melted). Hence Puppy on a plate. There's a Los Lobos song called "Saint behind the glass" and I keep substituting "Puppy on a plate" for the words.

Sunny and beautiful today. I've already been reprimanded--well, that's a bit strong, let's just say my performance at yesterday's meeting with the correctional librarians wasn't complimented. I was told by the director what I should have said and what I should not have said, and how I should not have said what I did say. She admitted that she didn't have time to tip me off. I admitted I was not pleased with the way things went, but told her she wasn't familiar with one of the principals involved, a known liar who was fired as director of one of our member libraries and who attacked me during the meeting with some absurdly petty untruth. Anyway, water over the bridge, under the dam, etc. She told me she wants a different approach taken at the meeting with member library directors on Monday. "I'm going to that meeting?" Aren't you? "I hadn't planned on it but I'd be happy to if you want me to. Where is it?" Chateaugay. "OK, I'll go." So I guess I'll be going to Chateaugay on Monday. There are worse places to go but not many.

Hoping to have tomorrow off but still have not received final approval. Have a long list of chores that includes cutting blackberry brambles, planting things I ordered and purchased in RI, cleaning inside of car, covering garden and things you've all heard before. Want to get at it! Sat. and Sunday are supposed to be sunny and 50's so what I don't get done tomorrow I can continue to work on then. Must also address the firewood issue--it's scattered in two places and needs to be stacked and covered. I have about 1.5 cords left, maybe 2. I have to order more, want to get it now so it will have time to dry properly. Wanted to wait until the end of mud season. OK, that's done. Now I just need the money. MONEY--it's always about MONEY.

Today I finish cataloging children's books for Westport and do the old, pathetic cookbooks Schroon Lake sent me last week. They've all adopted the idea we suggested of sending us the actual items to work from. We meant videos, CD's, audios, older books, but they're so lazy they just want to send us EVERYTHING so they don't have to write up the "request for MARC records" forms. This week we got a box of current large print books from one library. Morons. Or as Mark would say, maroons.

I'm hot. It's actually hot in the building today. Hooray! I'm not wearing a sweater and I'm too warm. I got my house wicked hot last night, up to 77, and felt drugged so fell asleep on the couch. Ken came for dinner and I wanted to be sure it was warm enough for him. Of course, he came at 6 and it didn't get really warm until 8, after he'd left. Then my fire kicked in. It was awful. He had a nice time, good food (salt-free) and a nice visit. He didn't bring his SoCo so we had rum and water and he thought that was quite tasty. Even had a little bit more. Can't hate that Mount Gay. I had a little bit of a head start because I was so stressed after the correctional meeting from 3:30-4:15, plus hustling to get ready for him by 5:45. I don't handle stress very well lately. That's why I want tomorrow off--a day to myself, no trip to RI, no Sunday dinner, no cleaning the house, just a day to myself. No one at the bog for Tess to run away with.

And on to the cookbooks. Cookery, American. Cookbooks, Worthless.

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