Monday, April 24, 2006

Sometimes you want the whole enchilada
Anything is better than nada--or is it? I forgot my camera this morning, so this file photo will have to do. It's my friend Linda's Upper Camp. Her Lower Camp is right on the water, but this camp was built first, in the 1920's by a rum runner named Thwaits (the "h" is silent). He built this place first, then realized his folly and built Lower Camp right on water--literally, the building is about 4' from the water line.

It rained steadily from Sat. afternoon until last night. I cleaned house because I hosted book group yesterday. I put my big ivy plant outside so it could get washed off and it just looks really happy sitting on the deck, as if it really belongs there. It can't stay there because it'll get sunburned, but it spends its summers outside on the birdfeeder platform. I also planted my violas in a pretty hand-thrown dish that broke and is glued back together so I can't use it for anything else. They look really pretty. The house is about as clean as it gets. I even dusted. I washed the top and front of the fish tank and the platys about had heart attacks. I've never seen more nervous fish (that's not true: trout are the most nervous fish there are, you can't show them your shadow or they're gone).

I'm thinking of taking Friday off, if it's sunny because I really need to pull blackberry brambles and cover the yucky garden bed that's gone to hell with wild oregano/marjoram, where I'd like to put in a few tomato plants and maybe some cucumbers.

Now I have to meet Ken to take him to the doctor, then I said we could go out for coffee, which he interpreted as going out to breakfast, so I guess I'll be away from work for at least an hour & a half. Well, you do what you can to make people feel good.

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