Monday, April 03, 2006

When will I learn?

Who was the wise librarian who said that only a fool drives in mud? Oh, wait, that was me. Saturday morning I loaded up the car for the dump and started to turn it around near the house. I thought I was being clever, avoiding the big mud pit in the center of the driveway and driving only on the edges. WRONG IDEA. I got stuck, stuck, stucker. Ended up in mud up to the axles. Of course it started to rain hard as I was trying to get unstuck by putting pieces of carpet under the tires. That worked well on the left side but not on the right side. So I went inside and called AAA. The good guys who always used to come, who have pulled me out of the mud twice before, are no longer AAA. The new good guy was busy, so they had to send the real assholes from Keeseville (Keeseville is the equivalent of Boogerville). It took them 2 hours to arrive, they drove past my driveway and I had to flag them down as they went by it the 2nd time ("I never knew there was a house up there" duh). They got their pulley stuck and had to borrow a screwdriver, which they then pounded to a pulp with their wrench and got covered in black grease as they used it to take their pulley apart. When they finally yanked the car out, one of them said to me "I'd better drive it out" (the unspoken was "Little Miss--you're too stoopid to know how to do this without getting stuck again"). Well anyway they got it out, wrapping their cable around my maple tree, hooking the chain to the rear of the car, pulling the car sideways first, which created 4 huge, 2' deep holes in the mud. As he left he told me my car might shimmy from the mud that's stuck to the bottom. I told him it already did (from before). I'm sure they didn't think much of me, but I thought less of them. So I'm a fool and my driveway is now closed. It's the worst it's ever been, solid mud from top to bottom. But I got to the dump. The passenger window is covered in mud. I hit every puddle I could, trying to rinse the mud off of the brakes. Did pretty well, too.

Yesterday was a better day, sunny and 50. I got up at 6:30--Daylight Savings does strange things, doesn't it.

Signs of spring:
*Daffodils are coming up, now 1.5 inches high
*Juncos have arrived at the bird feeder
*I heard woodcocks the other night (the males fly straight up, about 50', making an amazing chirping sound with their wings, then dive straight down to the ground--this is what they think is sexy to the females)
*The dogs took their first trip up the bluffs with total strangers
*I read in the sun, sitting in my chair in my yard yesterday afternoon without wearing a jacket
*I only have small fires at night and let them go out before bedtime
*My favorite maple tree has buds on it
*My pussy willow tree has pussy willows

I'll ignore the part about being stuck in the mud.


  1. I think the male woodcock sounds VERY sexy.
    Your spring list is wonderful.
    One time stuck in mud per year is doing very well. Hope you get the better tow guys next time.

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    And today you'll get snow! Which will cover the holes, but then... fill them with water? It's like modern art. Or something. :)
