Thursday, March 01, 2007


Originally uploaded by woodsrun.
I know this just looks like dirty snow but it's really a very pretty ice sculpture. This snow is melting along the sides of the road and it makes these reallly pretty sculptures that stick up. Hard to get a picture of but really nifty anyway. In the background you can see the dramatic effect the snow makes, looking like the landscape of Antarctica in miniature or something. Sharp snow things sticking up, all facing the same direction.

I like it that there's always beauty in things outside, even when it's just dirty snow. Plus this is definitely a sign of early spring, snow melting along the side of the road. Won't be long until there will be rivulets of water flowing as the snow melts. Then marsh marigolds. Then tiny leaves on the trees. Wait, slow down and savor every single moment of it.

Meanwhile we're supposed to have snow, freezing rain and sleet tomorrow, possible accumulation of 4-9". How can they give us such a wide range? Do we get to choose the number of inches we want? If so, I'll take the 4", thanks. I uncovered a bunch of wood from the big pile that's covered by a tarp, covered by 2' of now crunchy snow so that it could dry in the sun. Now I have to put it either in the wood shed or in the house (where there's no room) by midnight tonight.

Yesterday I stayed home with a bad headache--what? sinus trouble so early? I felt better in the afternoon and decided to saw the end off of my dinner table. It's too long so I figured I could saw about 10" off of one end, leaving the other end so that someone could sit there, since one end is always pushed against the wall. Hooray for reciprocating saws! It only took about 10 minutes and like magic I now have a much nicer table. If it were split in the middle I'd have a leaf, since I now have a 10" wide piece of it too. Don't know what I'll do with that. A shelf?

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