Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I can hear 'em in there buzzin'
And I ain't done nothin'
Since I woke up today
How the hell can a person
Go to work in the mornin'
And come home in the evenin'
And have nothin' to say"
Molly posted this John Prine song on her blog--I like this verse because it's my life sometimes. It may sound depressing but I don't read it that way. I find days like that peaceful in my solitary life, reinforcing my belief that maybe I was, after all, meant to be alone. I especially like the part about "ain't done nothin' since I woke up today." I don't see that as a negative--I spend some days like that, but in peace and enjoying where I live and how I live. Besides, I guess playing with your animals constitutes doing something after all.
I had a dream this morning that Jamie and I were walking along, discussing finding one's self, figuring out who you really are. He was definite that you can only do that if you're involved in a relationship--if you're part of a couple, then you find out who you really are. I, of course, said you need to be alone to find out who you REALLY are. It was funny, because there was his true personality (as it used to be, anyway), so definite that he was right and that his point of view was valid and everyone should see it his way.
I've been dreaming about him quite a bit lately, probably because he's in the news almost every day--an audit discovered blatant misuse of town credit cards by town officials (including him). When he's so visible like that he rises to the surface of my mind. Plus yesterday I got something in the mail from his mother. I put off opening it, as if it were something bad, like a letter telling me I'd done something wrong. It wasn't, it was just a newspaper article (which I'd already seen) and some news she thought I didn't know (which I knew long ago, and which part of wasn't true). I feel sorry for her, she's unhealthy and her need to be right and know everything is stronger than ever I guess. She once told me I was her best friend, along with her daughter. That really surprised me (and made me think she must not have had very many good friends), but after Jamie left I realized she missed me very, very much. She could never express that, but I could tell she did. Too bad for her--her son's an ass wipe.
The dreams about Jamie leave me feeling uneasy because it's been too long for me to keep thinking about him. I worry that I'm obsessing and living in the past. Psychiatrist says I'm not, that I've certainly moved on. I have, but he's always there--I guess because he's in the news, and I see his parents from time to time. I was in Lake Placid yesterday, eye doctor appointment. I always feel as if I have to sneak around that town, like, you know--slump way down in my seat. When I have to go there I almost always go there, do whatever I need to do, then get out of town as quickly as possible. Sometimes I grocery shop, but that makes me really nervous. It's all silly--what would I do if I saw Jamie? Run & hide? Get so angry I'd stroke out? Tell him I'm still pissed off about the $13,000 capital gains debt he stiffed me with when he left (oh for god's sake let go of that one!)? Run up to him and swoon? No, I'd get nervous but say hello. Anti-climactic.
Time to get some honest work done. Met with my clerks this morning. One was displeased because I told her I didn't want her to do the work I didn't know she was doing, which was the other clerk's job but she'd snuck into her work because I guess she liked doing it. TOO BAD! We don't get to grab the jobs we want to do and not tell our supervisors' we're doing it. Especially if we're going to complain that we don't get credit for doing it. Dork-o-matic.
It was 1 degree this morning. Someone might have mentioned it was going to be that cold. I was really lazy and stupid last night and let the fire go out. The house was 53 this morning so I have to change my hours today--had to stay home until I got a good fire going, good enough to hold a fire all day. The sun was out when I left, so hopefully the living room will warm up to a reasonable temp. And I did learn my lesson. My lessons are usually hard-learned. I have to break it before I believe it will actually break.
Now on to MARC records. Did you know that "Bruce Willis is Hudson Hawk?"
Monday, January 28, 2008
Although I'm getting pretty tired of political coverage in the media, especially the intrusion into my televiewing, I give it a lot of thought most of the time. I talk to my friends, I talk to Ken (OK, he's a friend), I talk to my mother and I talk to myself. We had a conversation here in the department (maybe I reported this before) and one clerk said she didn't want the country run by the NAACP. AUGH!! The other clerk said she didn't want it run by Southern Baptists. Yes, my vote cancels yours.
I supported John Edwards initially because I thought he was the most electable candidate--maybe not a good reason. You're supposed to support the candidate whose politics you agree with, but I'm just shallow enough to feel victory is the important thing. OK, Edwards didn't get the support--or the media coverage, which may have cost him the support. The media has decided we'll choose between Clinton and Obama. When Bill Clinton was running a friend of mine was just starting his business of making bumper stickers, refrigerator magnets and message pins. I got a magnet that was a picture of the Clinton couple and said "Bought one, got one free." I guess that's true again. I've admired Bill Clinton since he spoke at the Democratic Convention a million years ago, when he made that famous 40-minute speech (OK, I didn't make it though the whole speech). I thought he was a great president and I really didn't think his relationship with an intern or his wife merited the attention it got. Let us know he was a jerk, but he has an amazing mind and, it turns out, charisma. So why is he being a jackass now? He could be a great asset to his wife's campaign--either by being invisible or by standing by her side, or by quietly campaigning. Apparently he's of that camp who believes that a woman REALLY can't do it alone, and his wife needs his help because she can't figure out what to do when faced with a worthy opponent. Really, Bill, zip it. He's done a lot of damage--to her campaign and to his image. I'm very disappointed.
I've been really pleased to have her for my Senator. I think Congress is a place she can make a difference, where she can represent me. I'd hate to lose her.
I've long been torn between which candidate to support: Obama or Clilnton. Sisterhood is powerful. But Obama is like a moral, clean young Bill Clinton. Soooo appealing. So intelligent, such a quick study. And from Illinois, no less!
Here's what I think: although America needs to recognize that women are capable of being President, or CEO, or anything that men are, and should be thought of as equals, and gender shouldn't matter, I feel really strongly that racism is something this country needs to face. I'm so ashamed of this country's attitude toward anyone who's not white. You don't so much have to be male anymore, but you sure do have to be white. I know, it's not right to select your candidate based on race, but I have great confidence in Obama, and I find him imminently qualified and, luckily, likable. Hillary? doesn't play well with others. The business about America's being able to work well with other countries with a minority president is just looking for permission to support a black man. America needs to look within its borders and address our own issues--poverty, prejudice, money hogs, etc. Oh, I'm so disappointed, and it's not just Cheney's fault--the people allowed it to happen and followed along. And think Romney might be an OK leader! The man is poison.
Oops, my soapbox just broke.
Back to reality: I don't think Brad Pitt is aging gracefully. Javier Bardem is handsome in a big lug sort of way. Tom Cruise struts like a real dickhead. or Scientologist. Julie Christie is more beautiful than she used to be, but she doesn't know how to accept an award. George Clooney has great class, is incredibly good looking, aging well, and has good manners.
Friday, January 25, 2008
The sentinel
These really are wonderful dogs and they just adore each other. Tess, I think, recognizes that Chances is older and (is she?) wiser. Right now Tess has a black cat, too. Chances does NOT have a cat, she doesn't even have a black blob, just something black to avoid. Tess wags her tail when she sees her kittie, and kittie rubs her head against Tess. This morning kittie got left behind when we walked into the bedroom and she came tearing into the room, meowing like mad. I still don't know much about cats, except that they are very strange. And they are not like dogs.
Blurry view
Icy Saranac
Mine are--
The first bridge crossing the Saranac: there's often river smoke and rime ice on the trees in the winter, and there are beautiful colors in the fall.
The end of the Clayburg Road, where the two branches of the Saranac come together--there's a really pretty view looking down the river. Word is they dump the stocked trout there. There are usually fly fishermen there from April through October/November.
This shot--there's an island, barely visible in the picture. I really like seeing it in different clothes throughout the year. Sometimes it's incredibly green.
There's one spot along the Saranac where it's really, really shallow and the bottom is all river rocks, like a cobblestone street. This is where I gauge whether the river is high or low. When the river is high the water is bookin', there's whitewater and you can't see the rocks. When it's low the river is barely trickling through the rocks and it looks as if you could pretty much walk across it.
The "opening view" where you're coming into the Champlain Valley, just west of Plattsburgh. You get a fantastic view of the Green Mtns, from Camel's Hump to Mt. Mansfield. Today you could see way, way north, crystal clear. The two big mountains had their heads in the clouds. I've always loved being able to tell what the weather's like from the way the mountains look. The vista from this vantage point is really, really pretty. Sometimes in winter, before Lake Champlain freezes but the water is warmer than the air here's a huge length of steam and it looks as if the lake is all a-boil.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Am feeling not great these days, having some problems keeping my behavior under control. Had a fight with some yahoo kid on Sunday--he was a rabbit hunter in a truck at the end of my driveway and when I approached him to ask him to move he started nattering at me. Unfortunately I nattered back and it became very unpleasant, ending with his saying "Just remember, lady--I know where you live." Since he was from Vermont, doubtless hunting without a NY license, on private property posted NO HUNTING, I doubt he'll be back, but I was disturbed that I couldn't just walk away. That's what I've been working on for a very, very long time.
Yesterday I submitted my monthly department report to the board, listing how many records one clerk downloaded, how many ILLs, etc., and praising my clerks as much as you can praise employees and still sound sincere. The other clerk was very upset because she felt she didn't get credit for the records she downloaded. Unfortunately I just couldn't take her seriously and asked her if getting credit was the most important thing to her. Guess what she said? YES! Then I laughed. I LAUGHED. This is not a woman to be toyed with. Anyway, I apologized to her (she was "deeply hurt"), crawled on my belly like an alligator, ingratiated myself, promised her I'd wash her dishes for the rest of her life as well as do her work. Oh yes, what a terrible thing I did, oh yes, getting credit for the work you do is incredibly important. From now on all I'll say in the department reports is "We did" and "The department did" Well excuuuuuuse me, I was only trying to familiarize the board with the members of the department, since they complain constantly that board members don't know their names. My road to hell is paved with cat shit.
So that was yesterday. Good thing was that I got to go right home, no stops, no errands. Bad thing was that I have no money for groceries. We get paid this week, then all will be well. Must squeeze $350 out of savings account to pay elec. company, in prep. for next bill, which will doubtless be at least $500. They sent me a bill for $16 and I sent them a message asking for a full bill. Response: my bill was an estimate and if I wanted a true bill I would have to read my meter and send them the numbers. This after they installed a new meter that's supposed to communicate directly with their computer to give them a reading. AUGH! Am I frustrated by the world? You bet.
This afternoon I escape to the peace of the Adirondack Room in Saranac Lake, then attend their annual meeting. Poor planning, though, because I also told Ken I'd cook him dinner. It was hard to convince him to let me do this--for some reason he's in a very negative place (or else he's sick of my cooking) and thinks it's too much work to have me cook dinner. I asked him what work he does if I cook and do the dishes and he acqueised (no spellcheck). He's in poor shape these days, frail and weak and not interested in much of anything. Very sad to see but reminds me that there may not be many months left with him. A good thing to think about. Had a long talk with Fred about that this morning. Reality check.
Cold weekend, -10 and not warm at all during the day. Three days off, but I completely wasted Sund and Monday. Sat. I had to go to town because I forgot to get meds from drug store. Ran a few errands but got out of town as quickly as possible. Spent the weekend watching The Wire, season 2. I like that show, every season they take on another element of corruption. This season it was corruption among the stevedores. Who knew what stevedores were?
Time to continue cleaning up the data base. Catalog Lady, that's me.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
If I had a horse
There were 8 more trees down on the way home, but all but one had been cut up and moved to the side so the road was passable. What a storm! My power was out from Weds. until Sat. morning. A very dramatic tale, involving water in my cellar, pumps that wouldn't pump, great luck for me that I have a good water pump that pumps after being totally submerged. Going without power for 4 days isn't so bad but it's pretty boring. Plus, of course, the no water thing is always a challenge.
Rubber soles only
Alder Brook
I like the way this picture looks crooked because of the way the brook flows. I made an effort to keep the horizon straight because lots of times I don't
Alder Brook too
Early morning Saranac
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Your Score: ESTP-The Promoter
You scored 81% I to E, 57% N to S, 66% F to T, and 52% J to P!
Your type is known as the promoter, because you have no trouble approaching strangers and you are so charismatic that you are good at pursuading people to do your bidding. Your type is a subgroup of the experiencers group, also called artisans. You are a person of action - when you are around, things happen. Resourceful with people is a good way to describe you. Life is never dull around you. You are witty, clever, and fun. You are socially suave and know just the right thing to say to everyone you meet. You share your personality type with 10% of the population.
As a romantic partner, you are usually exciting and willing to try anything once. You are often much more responsive to your partner's physical needs, rather than their emotional ones. You tend to communicate at what other types tend to think of as a superficial level, as you don't see a big need for heart-to-heart talks. You want to be appreciated for the fun-loving responsive problem solver you are. You are happiest when your partner respects your need for freedom to be spontaneous and to enjoy life's many pleasures.
Your group summary: Experiencers (sp)<
Your Type Summary: ESTP
Link: The LONG Scientific Personality Test written by unpretentious2 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test View My Profile(unpretentious2) |
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Dog saves boy from fire by biting foot
Mon Jan 7, 9:56 PM ET
PORTAGE, Ind. - A black Labrador that bit a 13-year-old boy's foot repeatedly, waking him up, is being credited with saving the boy and two of his friends from a house fire. Christopher Peebles said he woke up Friday morning to feel his dog Laney biting his foot repeatedly in the basement of his family's home, where he and two friends had spent the night.
Will I get any work done today? So far not so much. 10:00 doctor's appointment (yes, I am sane) and 10:30 Starbucks appointment ($21 left on gift card #1). Yesterday I discovered a box of stuff sent to me in October with the request that it be cataloged quickly, as library has subscription and will be receiving more in the series. Well, why haven't I heard from them since Oct.? Do they really think I'm that incompetent? Or are they impressed that I'm so busy that I just can't get to it.
The dept. head of the Cataloging Dept. I first worked for tried to convince people that a big backlog meant we were doing a good job. If we were way behind in our work it meant we were taking a long time to catalog each book, which meant we were using the right subject headings and Dewey numbers, putting each book in just the right place. For a while I actually bought into that, until other people starting asking me to explain it and I tried to do it while keeping a straight face. He was ultimately fired and I was promoted to Dept. Head, after having been transferred to the Ref. Dept. A colleague said "Elizabeth is banished, then returns triumphant." I like being described as triumphant. I've felt triumphant pretty often in recent years. But does starting a fire in your wood stove really count? Oh yes, when it's -15 outside and you've got a good bed of coals because you stuffed the stove really well so the wood burned just right from the previous fire.
January 8, 2008
Free Press Staff Report
Today's headline from the Burlington (Vt.) Free Press. I mean really, if they want you to take the news seriously shouldn't they come up with better headlines? This is a serious story about farmers dumping cow manure where it runs right into Lake Champlain, which causes algae blooms and pollutes the lake, kills fish, etc. It's not "discharge," like, discharge you get when you eat too much fat when you're taking Alli, or have a yeast infection, or a cold or something. Bet the reporter has a sense of humor and was pissed that he got stuck with this story. Tough shit. hahahaha.
Monday, January 07, 2008
christmas bunny
Anyway, here's my Christmas trip to Rhode Island. I had a good time, stayed longer than usually, around 10 days. The weather was good, mostly 40's. It rained enough to get rid of the little bit of snow there was. The dogs had a good time but when we got home they ran and ran. Liza has a dog pen but they can't run the way they can at home--all they do is run into the road.
I boarded kittie, who pretty much pretended the whole thing never happened. Some cats (and dogs) get cross and ignore their owners after being boarded, but kittie was just happy to be home and purred a lot, whined for food, wandered upstairs and went to sleep on her perch. Not a big deal (for her--cost me plenty, though).
The driving was uneventful. I listened to Richard Russo's latest book a lot, but got sort of sleepy when I did, so then of course Bruce perked me up. With a little Michael Jackson thrown in. Very little.
good consumers
old skater
elbow basket
quotation marks
Jamestown bridge
Anyway, Linda now lives in Jamestown, has lived alone for a lot longer than I have. This is the new Jamestown Bridge. Jamestown is on an island in the middle of Narragansett Bay, between my mother's home and Newport.
The old Jamestown bridge was horrible to drive on--no barrier between the two lanes, steel decking. I sort of liked it because it made me feel pretty brave and reckless to not be fearful when I drove across it. Plus you had a much better view from it than from this one. They blew up the old bridge and it was on TV all over the place. Americans are easily entertained.
Anyway, Linda and I agreed to meet, as we usually do at Christmas. I was hoping for a nice lunch, then back to Liza's, but L. decided she wanted "to make a day of it." We had a nice time touring Newport, driving along Ocean Drive, past all the mansions, touring downtown. It was my turn to pay for lunch--$75, then we went to an expensive inn for drinks, which she paid for. The house wine was $11 a glass and the bar bill was $42. I can't imagine spending that kind of money anywhere but Newport, but I'm such a bumpkiin that I'm sure plenty of places cost lots and lots more.
newport bridge
sunday paper
what a pair
What Elizabeth Means |
![]() You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience.You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along.But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous.You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things.Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times. You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. |