Monday, January 28, 2008

Super Tuesday - Get ready!

Although I'm getting pretty tired of political coverage in the media, especially the intrusion into my televiewing, I give it a lot of thought most of the time. I talk to my friends, I talk to Ken (OK, he's a friend), I talk to my mother and I talk to myself. We had a conversation here in the department (maybe I reported this before) and one clerk said she didn't want the country run by the NAACP. AUGH!! The other clerk said she didn't want it run by Southern Baptists. Yes, my vote cancels yours.

I supported John Edwards initially because I thought he was the most electable candidate--maybe not a good reason. You're supposed to support the candidate whose politics you agree with, but I'm just shallow enough to feel victory is the important thing. OK, Edwards didn't get the support--or the media coverage, which may have cost him the support. The media has decided we'll choose between Clinton and Obama. When Bill Clinton was running a friend of mine was just starting his business of making bumper stickers, refrigerator magnets and message pins. I got a magnet that was a picture of the Clinton couple and said "Bought one, got one free." I guess that's true again. I've admired Bill Clinton since he spoke at the Democratic Convention a million years ago, when he made that famous 40-minute speech (OK, I didn't make it though the whole speech). I thought he was a great president and I really didn't think his relationship with an intern or his wife merited the attention it got. Let us know he was a jerk, but he has an amazing mind and, it turns out, charisma. So why is he being a jackass now? He could be a great asset to his wife's campaign--either by being invisible or by standing by her side, or by quietly campaigning. Apparently he's of that camp who believes that a woman REALLY can't do it alone, and his wife needs his help because she can't figure out what to do when faced with a worthy opponent. Really, Bill, zip it. He's done a lot of damage--to her campaign and to his image. I'm very disappointed.

I've been really pleased to have her for my Senator. I think Congress is a place she can make a difference, where she can represent me. I'd hate to lose her.

I've long been torn between which candidate to support: Obama or Clilnton. Sisterhood is powerful. But Obama is like a moral, clean young Bill Clinton. Soooo appealing. So intelligent, such a quick study. And from Illinois, no less!

Here's what I think: although America needs to recognize that women are capable of being President, or CEO, or anything that men are, and should be thought of as equals, and gender shouldn't matter, I feel really strongly that racism is something this country needs to face. I'm so ashamed of this country's attitude toward anyone who's not white. You don't so much have to be male anymore, but you sure do have to be white. I know, it's not right to select your candidate based on race, but I have great confidence in Obama, and I find him imminently qualified and, luckily, likable. Hillary? doesn't play well with others. The business about America's being able to work well with other countries with a minority president is just looking for permission to support a black man. America needs to look within its borders and address our own issues--poverty, prejudice, money hogs, etc. Oh, I'm so disappointed, and it's not just Cheney's fault--the people allowed it to happen and followed along. And think Romney might be an OK leader! The man is poison.

Oops, my soapbox just broke.

Back to reality: I don't think Brad Pitt is aging gracefully. Javier Bardem is handsome in a big lug sort of way. Tom Cruise struts like a real dickhead. or Scientologist. Julie Christie is more beautiful than she used to be, but she doesn't know how to accept an award. George Clooney has great class, is incredibly good looking, aging well, and has good manners.

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