Friday, January 25, 2008

The sentinel

The sentinel
Originally uploaded by woodsrun
These were my helpers this morning while I was folding laundry. There's nothing going on outside for the cat to be watching but she sure seems fascinated by snow-covered trees. The dogs are exhausted because we got up at 6:30 and they'd been in and out about 8 times already. I didn't have to be at work until 9:30 so we all had a grand time watching morning TV. No interesting news, though, so I got bored and went to work early. I got to do the dishes and fold laundry, and I spent a lot of time paying attention to the dogs. That's just about their favorite thing but they are so jealous of each other. I sit on the couch, patting one while the other waits in line. Tess, of course doesn't have the patience that Chances does and she shoves C. aside and pushes her way in. They each have their "petting positions." And we thought people were creatures of habit.

These really are wonderful dogs and they just adore each other. Tess, I think, recognizes that Chances is older and (is she?) wiser. Right now Tess has a black cat, too. Chances does NOT have a cat, she doesn't even have a black blob, just something black to avoid. Tess wags her tail when she sees her kittie, and kittie rubs her head against Tess. This morning kittie got left behind when we walked into the bedroom and she came tearing into the room, meowing like mad. I still don't know much about cats, except that they are very strange. And they are not like dogs.

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