Friday, September 30, 2016

Not my finest week

OK, so it starts with a dead battery in my nowhere-near-paid-for car and a free ride in the tow truck.  Moves on to a dead telephone.  Good things happen: the car is fixed and fine, and today the phone came back on.  But wait...the well is dry.  This is not a surprise, it's been very dry and another year the same thing happened.  Was this really necessary?  I committed the cardinal sin of doing TWO loads of wash today, which I knew was probably a mistake but apparently I just couldn't resist washing my new sweater.  duh.  I collected water from a friend's camp, enough for a day or two, and have access to the Holts' house where water is plentiful.  It could be worse, it could be January with ice in the well.  I'd rather have this, if there's a possible "rather" at this point.

Other than my crises it was a fine week.  oh yes, just fine.  Well, the fall color is coming along nicely and the trees are ripening rapidly.  I think we'll see peak foliage within the next few days.  It's going to be a good year after all with lots of bright colors.  Not many oranges but some good reds.

Duncan & Sue are leaving in the morning, I'm sorry to see them go but they have been here for a month.  Joe & Martha leave on Monday and I'm sorry to see them go but it IS October, and that's when they head back to Georgia.  Linda will be here for 2 more weeks, next weekend will be busy so things are happening.  I need to go to camp to start closing up.  I haven't been down there in quite a while, I know the fridge in main camp and the fridge in the boat house are in need of cleaning out.  I doubt I'll sleep in the boat house again this year, nights are too cold to suit me.

I always claim to like the month of November, but wow the color right now is really grand and the woods are pretty.  I'll adjust to the loss of leaves, and will like being able to see through the woods again.  I do like living where there are 4 fer shure seasons, I can't complain when we move from one to another.

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