Thursday, February 08, 2007

I got a new drug

Just like Huey Lewis. We're weaning me off of Lexapro and trying Paxil to try to get rid of the radio loop in my brain. I'm really hesitant to do this because, as in all SSRI's weight gain is a side effect with Paxil. I cannot afford to gain any weight, I'm already technically obese and am struggling to lose weight. I have lost 10 pounds and there's no discernible change in my appearance, barely a change in how my clothes fit. So anyway, cannot afford upward trend, must have downward trend. But am game to try something new. Not enthusiastic, but game. I have had this disorder for at least all of my adult life, it got much worse when I was weaned from Topamax, now I'm back on Topamax and am back to being Radiohead, back to my "normal" level. But wouldn't it be fun not to have constant sound in my head? Interesting, at any rate.

Neck is not good today, but I can look straight ahead and managed to get to work without having to look behind me or to either side too much. If you don't pass anyone or merge much driving is pretty straightforward (pun intended). Last night I was so much more comfortable that I fell asleep on the couch. I asked massage man how to watch television on couch while keeping spine straight--he told me to keep my spine straight--he doesn't have the same sense of humor I do and didn't laugh much. Clearly not a couch potato, so I said, "I know, don't watch television on the couch." He nodded. I'll be he's a reader.

Did anyone see Jon Stewart's coverage of Prince's performance at the Super Bowl? Silhouette of Prince and his completely phallic guitar behind a curtain? Really, really funny.

Am finished with first draft of performance characteristics, now I have to review and tweak them, then review review them with appropriate employee, give them to director, review them with director and employee simultaneously, finish my own write-up of annual goals to give to director, write my personal goals for 2007, get goals from staff, review 2007 goals individually with staff, with director and staff, then tuck folders away until December. And we thought this was a good process when we designed it 3 years ago. It is preferable to having the director decide whether you look nice enough or not, though.

Other things to do: catalog rest of classical CD's for Lake Placid; figure out how to deal with periodical Zoobooks, which Peru wants cataloged individually because each issue covers a different animal (there are about 100 issues, and everyone who walks by picks a couple up and says, "Isn't this a periodical?", or "We used to subscribe to this."); put together a book order; catalog Hydrology & vegetation sampling in wetlands, figuring out appropriate subject headings; catalog Slocum and hot lead, a western reputed to be very racy (what is HOT LEAD a euphemism for?); and be surprised! by items to cataloged in backlog folders for member libraries. Yahoo! Oh yeah, send my mother a check for $600 for the sale of her mother's dolls on eBay that my friend Julie arranged for through her cousin's husband. Liza was very pleased to hear of this.

Dream last night: Evil man tried to drag me away when Mick Jagger and (a very healthy looking) Keith Richards took him off to jail. Evil man told me he was going to get me and I'd pay! but he was going to sail to Caribbean island the next morning. I had to find a place to hide and hoped my house was isolated enough. Ken and I walked the perimeter of my property and discovered a bunch of apartment buildings in the back. I laughed when I remembered that it's not really so isolated there. This no doubt was prompted by proposal by Evil Landowner at foot of lake who is planning to subdivide piece of property into 9 lots and sell each lot for $250,000, claiming through his attorney that this subdivision is non-jurisdiction by the regulatory agency of the Adirondacks. I've been working on this all week (many phone calls and emails) and will attend Town Planning Board hearing on the 20th. Not thrilled to be involved in all of this but I am the resident One Who Knows About These Things and Represents All.

So there's both turmoil and relative peace in my life. Weather has warmed a bit--above 0 this morning and still very nice. Due to be -10 or more but so far I'm not sick of it and still have firewood. Life=not bad.

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