Friday, May 04, 2007

blue heron

blue heron
Originally uploaded by woodsrun.
This is the camp owned by my friends. It's called the Blue Heron. Each building of the boys' and girls' camps was named after a bird. Thus Rush's buildings are Whippoorwill, Flicker and Barn Swallow (which no longer exists: his house sits on the site). Bill's camp is The Owl. The dancehall was the Loon. The really great camp the owner kept for herself is the Eagle. The cook lived in Bluebird. The cabin Ken tore down a few years ago (after the weight of the snow on the roof flattened it like a pancake--if just folded like a house of cards) was Screech Owl. The stairs of my deck are from Screech Owl wood. The only other cabin I know is Goldfinch, but there are probably 5 or 6 little sleeping cabins scattered around the grounds.

I thought (and I guess still do) it was pretty queer to have all those buildings named after birds but it's second nature to me now, and I guess camps have themes. Birds are better than the camp further up the lake that had Peter Pan themed-names and had a cabin called Wendy until it was sold to someone. of course, they changed the name to Bunchberry.

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