Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sunshine on my shoulders

Closing in on the end of my days off, sadly. I've had a really nice and relaxing time. Amazing how stressful (it turns out) being with my work people is, how much I enjoy spending time alone in my neighborhood. Lots of social activity with great people is an added bonus. Linda and Erdvilas are here, Jenica was here, my cousin Elsa was here and I saw her very briefly (VERY briefly) and today Dennis is putting the water in at camp. Docks will go in last weekend in June, which is Rogers work weekend. That means the same 2 cousins will show up to do the chores that need to be taken care of and everyone else will come up with reasons they can't possibly come that weekend, even though the date was announced months ago. At any rate, the season is in full swing.

Jenica's visit was great and we got a lot done. Finished the first coat of paint in the bedroom Sunday morning before Sunday dinner, which was so great. I finished 2nd coat yesterday, which took no time at all. Today I attack the ceiling, hoping to do both coats so I can work on the trim tomorrow. Jenica also helped me seed the potential lawn of my friends' camp, which was more fun with her. We set up different test areas because I didn't have enough peat moss to cover both sites. Not telling the owners which site got which treatment, will just observe the success (or lack of). It rained the next day, which is crucial to the success of seed germination, but then it poured, which makes me fearful that the seed was washed away. Hoping the peat moss anchored it down. Time will tell.

Friday was incredibly productive--a long list of accomplishments. Saturday I went to the Big Dump and got rid of my old TV, old vacuum cleaner and a broken chair, as well as lots of garbage (there's a distinction between trash and garbage). That was incredibly liberating. Not to mention how proud I was to join the parade of vehicles at the Big Dump, even if I did feel pretty stoopid in my Honda Civic nestled in among all the pickups. Luckily there was a Pontiac Sunbird a few pickups ahead of me. Anyway I stopped at Lamoys and bought some annuals on the way home. Their selection is not so great this year so I was less enthusiastic and may not fill the deck as I usually do. This will be good in terms of money, but how will I like it? I'll certainly survive, and I should be focusing on my perennials anyway. Grass is a real problem in the garden under my living room windows. Besides, I grew lots of annuals from seed and even though they're only 1-2" high right now they may bloom later on. I planted my picklebush cukes in a pot with best wishes for their fruitful success.

Lots of visits with Linda and Erdvilas, as well as a nice visit with Joe (Ken's nephew) and his family--new grandson and his parents. That was nice, he's a beautiful child who looks like a Laundry, all right. Sunday dinner was nice, Jenica helped a very insecure Bill cook shrimp and garlic, rice pilaf and baked asparagus. There were 8 of us, including Ann and Kathy (from Baltimore) to celebrate Kathy's retirement from 30 something years from Social Security. We heard the story of their removal of the Norfolk Island pine she took there when she first started. It's now 7 feet tall (of course Erdvilas had to have one that's 10 feet tall) and they had to rent a truck to remove it. They donated it to some place that could accommodate it. Moral: do not get plants that grow too much for your workplace.

Today is gorgeous and sunny. Black flies will make their presence known as there is no real breeze. I have my list. I must read the Development Law of the Town of Black Brook so I can speak at tonight's meeting in Town Hall. Silver Lake people will be a big presence, even though there is great doubt as to just what this meeting is about. If we sign up half an hour prior to the meeting we get 3 minutes to speak. This meeting may be about abolishing the Planning Board, or getting rid of the Development Law and the Planning Board, or a general meeting about Leroy's Silver Lake development: it's anybody's guess. I'll know what to say when I find out what the meeting is. I will mention the importance of an access road to a development road being on property owned by the developer, that's for sure.

On to more coffee with Matt Lauer. I seem to spend a lot of time with him.

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